Interface DiscountCurveInterface

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Cloneable, Curve, ParameterObject
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DiscountCurveFromForwardCurve, DiscountCurveInterpolation

    public interface DiscountCurveInterface
    extends Curve
    The interface which is implemented by discount curves. A discount curve is a mapping of T to df(T) where df(T) represents the present value of a cash flow or 1 in time T, with respect to a specific currency unit and collateralization.
    Christian Fries
    • Method Detail

      • getDiscountFactor

        RandomVariable getDiscountFactor​(double maturity)
        Returns the discount factor for the corresponding maturity. This getter is not optimized for performance.
        maturity - The maturity for which the discount factor is requested.
        The discount factor (i.e., price of the zero coupon bond with given maturity and notional 1.
      • getDiscountFactor

        RandomVariable getDiscountFactor​(AnalyticModel model,
                                         double maturity)
        Returns the discount factor for the corresponding maturity. This getter is not optimized for performance.
        model - An analytic model providing a context. Some curves do not need this (can be null).
        maturity - The maturity for which the discount factor is requested.
        The discount factor (i.e., price of the zero coupon bond with given maturity and notional 1.