Class DeltaHedgedPortfolioWithAAD

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Product, AssetMonteCarloProduct, MonteCarloProduct

    public class DeltaHedgedPortfolioWithAAD
    extends AbstractAssetMonteCarloProduct
    This class implements a delta hedged portfolio (a hedge simulator). The delta hedge uses numerical calculation of the delta and - in theory - works for any model implementing AssetModelMonteCarloSimulationModel and any product implementing AbstractAssetMonteCarloProduct. The results however somewhat depend on the choice of the internal regression basis functions. The getValue-method returns the random variable \( \Pi(t) \) representing the value of the replication portfolio \( \Pi(t) = \phi_0(t) N(t) + \phi_1(t) S(t) \).
    Christian Fries
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeltaHedgedPortfolioWithAAD

        public DeltaHedgedPortfolioWithAAD​(AssetMonteCarloProduct productToReplicate,
                                           int numberOfBins)
        Construction of a delta hedge portfolio. The delta hedge uses numerical calculation of the delta and - in theory - works for any model implementing AssetModelMonteCarloSimulationModel and any product implementing AbstractAssetMonteCarloProduct. The results however somewhat depend on the choice of the internal regression basis functions.
        productToReplicate - The product for which the replication portfolio should be build. May be any product implementing the AbstractAssetMonteCarloProduct interface.
        numberOfBins - The number of bins used to aggregate the conditional expectation of the delta.
      • DeltaHedgedPortfolioWithAAD

        public DeltaHedgedPortfolioWithAAD​(AssetMonteCarloProduct productToReplicate)
        Construction of a delta hedge portfolio. The delta hedge uses numerical calculation of the delta and - in theory - works for any model implementing AssetModelMonteCarloSimulationModel and any product implementing AbstractAssetMonteCarloProduct. The results however somewhat depend on the choice of the internal regression basis functions.
        productToReplicate - The product for which the replication portfolio should be build. May be any product implementing the AbstractAssetMonteCarloProduct interface.