Class ScaledVolatilityCube

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ScaledVolatilityCube
    extends Object
    implements VolatilityCube
    A volatility cube that always returns a multiple of the value an underlying cube would return.
    Christian Fries, Roland Bachl
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScaledVolatilityCube

        public ScaledVolatilityCube​(String name,
                                    LocalDate referenceDate,
                                    String referenceCubeName,
                                    double coefficient,
                                    double correlationDecay,
                                    double iborOisDecorrelation)
        Create the cube.
        name - The name of the cube.
        referenceDate - The reference date of the cube.
        referenceCubeName - The name of the underlying cube.
        coefficient - The coefficient with which the value of the underlying cube is to be multiplied.
        correlationDecay - The correlation decay parameter of the cube.
        iborOisDecorrelation - The ibor ois decorrelation parameter of the cube.
      • ScaledVolatilityCube

        public ScaledVolatilityCube​(String name,
                                    LocalDate referenceDate,
                                    String referenceCubeName,
                                    double coefficient,
                                    double correlationDecay)
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public double getValue​(VolatilityCubeModel model,
                               double termination,
                               double maturity,
                               double strike,
                               VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Return the volatility at the specified coordinates in the desired quotation.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface VolatilityCube
        model - A model providing context.
        termination - End date of the underlying.
        maturity - Maturity date of the option.
        strike - Strike rate of the option.
        quotingConvention - Desired quoting convention.
        The volatility.
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(double termination,
                               double maturity,
                               double strike,
                               VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Return the volatility at the specified coordinates in the desired quotation.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface VolatilityCube
        termination - End date of the underlying.
        maturity - Maturity date of the option.
        strike - Strike rate of the option.
        quotingConvention - Desired quoting convention.
        The volatility.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Returns the name of the volatility cube.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface VolatilityCube
        The name of the volatility cube.
      • getReferenceDate

        public LocalDate getReferenceDate()
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Return the reference date of this cube, i.e. the date associated with t=0.
        Specified by:
        getReferenceDate in interface VolatilityCube
        The date identified as t=0.
      • getReferenceCubeName

        public String getReferenceCubeName()
      • getCorrelationDecay

        public double getCorrelationDecay()
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Return the correlation decay parameter of the cube. This is used to determine the correlation between tenors in a derived volvol cube.
        Specified by:
        getCorrelationDecay in interface VolatilityCube
        The correlation decay parameter.
      • getParameters

        public Map<String,​Object> getParameters()
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Returns a map with all implementation dependent parameters of this volatility cube.
        Specified by:
        getParameters in interface VolatilityCube
        A map of all parameters.
      • getLowestStrike

        public double getLowestStrike​(VolatilityCubeModel model)
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Returns the lowest possible value of strike that can be evaluated by this cube. This is relevant for instance when an implementation uses a SABR model with displacement.
        Specified by:
        getLowestStrike in interface VolatilityCube
        model - A model for context.
        Lowest possible strike this volatility cube supports.
      • getIborOisDecorrelation

        public double getIborOisDecorrelation()
        Description copied from interface: VolatilityCube
        Return the IBOR vs OIS decorrelation parameter. This parameter scales the convexity adjustment in a multi curve model, using different curves for forward rates and discounting.
        Specified by:
        getIborOisDecorrelation in interface VolatilityCube
        The IBOR vs OIS decorrelation parameter.