Class SimpsonRealIntegrator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimpsonRealIntegrator
    extends AbstractRealIntegral
    A simple integrator using Simpson's rule. The constructor has an optional argument to allow parallel function evaluation. In that case, the integration rule uses Java 8 parallel streams to evaluate.
    Christian Fries
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpsonRealIntegrator

        public SimpsonRealIntegrator​(double lowerBound,
                                     double upperBound,
                                     int numberOfEvaluationPoints,
                                     boolean useParallelEvaluation)
        Create an integrator using Simpson's rule.
        lowerBound - Lower bound of the integral.
        upperBound - Upper bound of the integral.
        numberOfEvaluationPoints - Maximum number of evaluation points to be used, must be greater or equal to 3, should be odd.
        useParallelEvaluation - If true, the integration rule will perform parallel evaluation of the integrand.
      • SimpsonRealIntegrator

        public SimpsonRealIntegrator​(double lowerBound,
                                     double upperBound,
                                     int numberOfEvaluationPoints)
        Create an integrator using Simpson's rule.
        lowerBound - Lower bound of the integral.
        upperBound - Upper bound of the integral.
        numberOfEvaluationPoints - Maximum number of evaluation points to be used.