Module ij
Package ij.plugin

Class CalibrationBar

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CalibrationBar
    extends Object
    implements PlugIn
    This plugin implements the Analyze/Tools/Calibration Bar command. Bob Dougherty, OptiNav, Inc., 4/14/2002 Based largely on by Wayne Rasband. July 2002: Modified by Daniel Marsh and renamed CalibrationBar. January 2013: Displays calibration bar as an overlay. Jan 2020: calibration bar on separate image, Norbert Vischer
    • Constructor Detail

      • CalibrationBar

        public CalibrationBar()
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(String arg)
        Description copied from interface: PlugIn
        This method is called when the plugin is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt.
        Specified by:
        run in interface PlugIn