Role added
Role removed
AFK channelId changed
AFK timeout changed
Permission was allowed for a role on a channel
ApplicationId of webhook or bot
Avatar hash changed
Voice channel bitrate changed
Invite code changed
Color of role changed
Deaf for user changed
Default message notification level changed
Permission was denied for role on a channel
Explicit content filter changed
Hoist of role changed
Icon hash changed
Id of changed object
Invite channelId changed
Inviter userId changed
Max age of invite changed
Max uses of an invite changed
Mentionable of role changed
MFA level changed
Mute for user changed
NSFW for channel changed
Name changed
Nick for user changed
Owner id changed
Permission overwrites for channel changed
Permissions of role changed
Channel position changed
Prune delete duration changed
Region changed
Splash hash changed
If invite is temporary changed
Channel topic changed
Type of object changed
Type of created object
Amount of times an invite has been used changed
Guild invite vanity url changed
Required verification level changed
Widget channelId changed
Widget enabled changed