Class MentionPrefixTransformerJavacord

    • Constructor Detail

      • MentionPrefixTransformerJavacord

        public MentionPrefixTransformerJavacord()
    • Method Detail

      • transform

        public <T extends MessageCommandContext<T> transform​(CommandContext<T> commandContext,
                                                               CommandContextTransformer.Phase phase)
        Description copied from interface: CommandContextTransformer
        Transforms the given command context in the given phase. The fields of the given command context can be empty depending on the current phase. The fields that are set in the returned command context can cause future phases to be skipped if the according data is already computed in an earlier phase. The description of the single phases specifies which fields in the given command context should be set and which fields in the returned command context should be set and the respective effect that is caused by this. The returned value must not be null.
        Specified by:
        transform in interface CommandContextTransformer<Message>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the messages for which this transformer is triggered
        commandContext - the command context to be transformed, usually populated according to the phase description, but not necessarily
        phase - the phase this transformer is currently called in
        the transformed command context
        See Also: