

package FoBoBs

FoBo Bootstrap 3 Toolkit Module

This FoBo toolkit module provides Bootstrap v3.x API and Resource components to the FoBo / FoBo Module, but can also be used as-is, see below for setup information.

If you are using this module via the FoBo/FoBo artifact module see also net.liftmodules.FoBo for setup information.

  1. To initiate this module for usage in your Lift project set something like the following in your projects Lift bootstrap.liftweb.Boot boot method.

    import net.liftmodules.{FoBoBs => FoBo}
    FoBo.Toolkit.Init=FoBo.Toolkit.Bootstrap336 //or any other companion toolkit object

    You may substitute Toolkit for Resource or API and if you wish also adjust the artifact dependencies accordingly to include just the FoBo modules you use.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. FoBoBs
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait API extends AnyRef

    Initiate FoBo's Bootstrap 3 API in you bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  2. sealed trait Resource extends AnyRef

    Initiate FoBo's Bootstrap 3 Resource(s) in you bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  3. sealed trait Toolkit extends AnyRef

    Initiate FoBo's Bootstrap 3 Toolkit(s) in you bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  4. sealed trait FoBoToolkit extends AnyRef


    (Since version 1.6.0) Use FoBoBs.Toolkit or FoBoBs.Resource and FoBoBs.API

Value Members

  1. object API extends API

  2. object BSLocInfo

    Extends your Lift SiteMap with various common bootstrap menu manipulations such as horizontal and vertical menu dividers and menu labels (labels coming soon).

  3. object Resource extends Resource

  4. object Toolkit extends Toolkit

  5. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    FoBoBs → AnyRef → Any

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Bootstrap301 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Bootstrap version 3․0․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  2. object Bootstrap311 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Bootstrap version 3․1․1 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  3. object Bootstrap320 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Bootstrap version 3․2․0 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  4. object Bootstrap335 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Bootstrap version 3․3․5 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  5. object Bootstrap336 extends FoBoToolkit with Product with Serializable

    Enable usage of Bootstrap version 3․3․6 in your bootstrap liftweb Boot.

  6. object InitParam extends FoBoToolkit

    Enable Toolkit(s)/JQuery options for the FoBo module in your bootstrap liftweb Boot

  7. def init(): Unit


    (Since version 1.6.0) Init no longer nessesary as it is now automaticaly done for respective FoBoBs.InitParam

    1. In bootstrap liftweb Boot set


      The above example just calls init without specifying fobo init params so default Toolkit and JQuery values will be used.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
