

package lib

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BootstrapSH extends ScriptHelper

    Bootstrap script helper is a helper class that implements some commonly used bootstrap component init/usage script functions.

    Script Helper Bootstrap v2.x

    Bootstrap script helper is a helper class that implements some commonly used bootstrap component init/usage script functions. This convenience script functions is used in the net.liftmodules.FoBoTB.snippet.FoBo.Bootstrap snippet but can also be used as a convenience helper in your own customized snippets.

    1. If you find that the net.liftmodules.FoBoTB.snippet.FoBo.Bootstrap snippet dose not fit you exact needs your can still use the BootstrapSH class to customize your own project snippets.

      import net.liftmodules.FoBo.lib.{BootstrapSH=>sch}
      class MySnippet {
        lazy val sch = new sch()
        def someFunc = {
  2. class ScriptHelper extends AnyRef

    This script helper is a helper class that implements some commonly used script functions.

    Script Helper Bootstrap v2.x

    This script helper is a helper class that implements some commonly used script functions. This convenience script functions is used in the FoBo.ScriptHelper snippet but can also be used as a convenience helper in your own customized snippets.

    1. If you find that the net.liftmodules.FoBo.snippet.FoBo.ScriptHelper snippet dose not fit you exact needs your can still use the ScriptHelper class to customize your own project snippets.

      import net.liftmodules.FoBo.lib.{ScriptHelper=>sch}
      class MySnippet {
        lazy val sch = new sch()
        def someFunc = {
