Type Members
case class
FlotInfo(idPlaceholder: String, series: List[FlotSerie], options: FlotOptions) extends Product with Serializable
case class
FlotNewData(series: List[FlotSerie], datas: List[(Double, Double)]) extends Product with Serializable
FlotSerie extends AnyRef
case class
JsFlot(idPlaceholder: String, datas: List[FlotSerie], options: FlotOptions) extends JsCmd with Product with Serializable
case class
JsFlotAppendData(idPlaceholder: String, datas: List[FlotSerie], newDatas: List[(Double, Double)], pop: Boolean) extends JsCmd with Product with Serializable
case class
JsFlotWithOverview(idPlaceholder: String, datas: List[FlotSerie], options: FlotOptions, idOverview: String, optionsOverview: FlotOptions) extends JsCmd with Product with Serializable