

package common

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Box[+A] extends Product with Serializable

    The Box class is a container which is able to declare if it is Full (containing a single non-null value) or EmptyBox.

  2. class BoxJBridge extends AnyRef

    The bridge from Java to Scala Box

  3. sealed trait BoxOrRaw[T] extends AnyRef

    Sometimes it's convenient to access either a Box[T] or a T.

  4. sealed trait BoxTrait extends AnyRef

    The Box companion object provides methods to create a Box from:

  5. trait Boxable[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait that a class can mix into itself to convert itself into a Box

  6. final case class BoxedBoxOrRaw[T](box: Box[T]) extends BoxOrRaw[T] with Product with Serializable

    The Boxed up BoxOrRaw

  7. trait CommonLoanWrapper extends AnyRef

    This trait defines the principle contract for function objects that wrap the processing of HTTP requests by Lift while utilizing the preestablished request-local scope.

  8. final case class ConstNodeSeqFunc(ns: NodeSeq) extends NodeSeqFunc with Product with Serializable

    The case class that holds the NodeSeq constant.

  9. final case class ConstStringFunc(str: String) extends StringFunc with Product with Serializable

    The case class that holds the String constant.

  10. sealed abstract class EmptyBox extends Box[Nothing] with Serializable

    The EmptyBox is a Box containing no value.

  11. sealed trait ExcludeThisType[A, B] extends AnyRef

    Encoding for "A is not a subtype of B"

  12. sealed case class Failure(msg: String, exception: Box[Throwable], chain: Box[Failure]) extends EmptyBox with Product with Serializable

    A Failure is an EmptyBox with an additional failure message explaining the reason for its being empty.

  13. trait ForwardableActor[From, To] extends AnyRef

  14. final case class Full[+A](value: A) extends Box[A] with Product with Serializable

    Full is a Box containing a value.

  15. final class Func extends AnyRef

  16. trait Func0[Z] extends AnyRef

  17. trait Func1[A, Z] extends AnyRef

  18. trait Func2[A, B, Z] extends AnyRef

  19. trait Func3[A, B, C, Z] extends AnyRef

  20. trait Func4[A, B, C, D, Z] extends AnyRef

  21. class FuncJBridge extends AnyRef

    Bridge from Java functions to Scala functions

  22. trait GenericActor[+R] extends TypedActor[Any, R]

    Generic Actor interface.

  23. class LRUMap[K, V] extends LinkedListElem[K, V]

    Implements an LRU Hashmap

  24. trait LazyLoggable extends AnyRef

    Mixin with a nested lazy Logger

  25. trait Loggable extends AnyRef

    Mixin with a nested Logger

  26. trait Logger extends AnyRef

    Logger is a thin wrapper on top of an SLF4J Logger

  27. sealed trait NodeSeqFunc extends AnyRef

    Sometimes you want a function that returns a NodeSeq as a parameter, but many times, you'll just want to pass a NodeSeq constant.

  28. final class ParamFailure[T] extends Failure with Serializable

    A ParamFailure is a Failure with an additional typesafe parameter that can allow an application to store other information related to the failure.

  29. final case class RawBoxOrRaw[T](raw: T) extends BoxOrRaw[T] with Product with Serializable

    The raw version of BoxOrRaw

  30. final case class RealNodeSeqFunc(func: () ⇒ NodeSeq) extends NodeSeqFunc with Product with Serializable

    The case class that holds a NodeSeq function.

  31. final case class RealStringFunc(func: () ⇒ String) extends StringFunc with Product with Serializable

    The case class that holds a String function.

  32. trait SimpleActor[-T] extends AnyRef

    The simple definition of an actor.

  33. final case class SimpleList[T](underlying: List[T]) extends List[T] with Product with Serializable

    An immutable singly linked list that uses the Scala List class as backing store, but is Java-friendly.

  34. final case class SimpleVector[T](underlying: Vector[T]) extends List[T] with Product with Serializable

    An immutable singly linked list that uses the Scala List class as backing store, but is Java-friendly.

  35. trait SimplestActor extends SimpleActor[Any]

    An Actor that can receive a message of any type

  36. trait SimplestGenericActor extends GenericActor[Any]

    Generic Actor interface.

  37. sealed trait StringFunc extends AnyRef

    Sometimes you want a function that returns a String as a parameter, but many times, you'll just want to pass a String constant.

  38. sealed trait StringOrNodeSeq extends AnyRef

    A helpful trait that will accept either a String or a NodeSeq via an implicit conversion.

  39. trait TypedActor[-T, +R] extends SimpleActor[T]

    An Actor that can receive messsages of type T and return responses of type R.

  40. class WrappedLogger extends Logger

Value Members

  1. object Box extends BoxTrait with Serializable

    The Box companion object provides methods to create a Box from:

  2. object BoxOrRaw

    The companion object that has helpful conversions

  3. object CombinableBox

    Via an HList containing a Collection of Box[things], either generate an HList of the things or a List[Failure]

  4. object CommonLoanWrapper

  5. object Empty extends EmptyBox with Product with Serializable

    Singleton object representing an Empty Box

  6. object ExcludeThisType

    The companion object to <:!<.

  7. object Failure extends Serializable

    Companion object used to simplify the creation of a simple Failure.

  8. object FuncJBridge extends FuncJBridge

  9. object HLists

    Support for heterogenious lists, aka HLists

  10. object Log4j

    Configuration helpers for the log4j logging backend

  11. object Logback

    Configuration helpers for the Logback logging backend

  12. object Logger

  13. object MDC

    The Mapped Diagnostics Context can hold values per thread and output them with each logged output.

  14. object NodeSeqFunc

    The companion object to NodeSeqFunc with helpful implicit conversions

  15. object ParamFailure extends Serializable

  16. object StringFunc

    The companion object to StringFunc with helpful implicit conversions

  17. object StringOrNodeSeq

    The companion object that has helpful implicit conversions from String and NodeSeq

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object ParseDouble

    Safely parse a String into a Double, avoiding the JVM bug that causes the thread to hang if the String is 2.
