

object Helpers extends TimeHelpers with StringHelpers with ListHelpers with SecurityHelpers with BindHelpers with HttpHelpers with IoHelpers with BasicTypesHelpers with ClassHelpers with ControlHelpers

The Helpers object provides a lot of utility functions:

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Helpers
  2. ControlHelpers
  3. ClassHelpers
  4. BasicTypesHelpers
  5. IoHelpers
  6. HttpHelpers
  7. BindHelpers
  8. SecurityHelpers
  9. ListHelpers
  10. StringHelpers
  11. TimeHelpers
  12. AnyRef
  13. Any
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Type Members

  1. final class AttrBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that binds a given value into a new attribute.

  2. sealed trait BindParam extends AnyRef

    Base class for Bind parameters.

  3. trait BindWithAttr extends AnyRef

    A trait that indicates what the newly bound attribute name should be.

  4. class Boolean2 extends AnyRef

    This decorator class adds a ternary operator to a Boolean value

  5. final class BooleanBindParam extends (String, Boolean) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  6. final class BoxBindParam extends (String, Box[NodeSeq]) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  7. class CalendarExtension extends AnyRef

    This class adds the setXXX methods to the Calendar class.

  8. class DateExtension extends AnyRef

    This class adds a noTime method the Date class, in order to get at Date object starting at 00:00

  9. final class FuncAttrBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that computes a new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  10. final class FuncAttrBoxBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  11. final class FuncAttrOptionBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  12. final class FuncBindParam extends (String, (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq) with BindParam

    BindParam using a function to calculate its value

  13. final class IntBindParam extends (String, Int) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  14. class ListMapish extends AnyRef

    This class add a case insensitive get to a List of Pairs of String, as if it was a Map

  15. final class LongBindParam extends (String, Long) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  16. final class OptionBindParam extends (String, Option[NodeSeq]) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  17. sealed case class PrefixedBindWithAttr(prefix: String, binding: BindParam with BindWithAttr) extends BindParam with BindWithAttr with Product with Serializable

    A case class that wraps attribute-oriented BindParams to allow prefixing the resulting attribute

  18. class SuperArrowAssoc extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  19. class SuperList[T] extends AnyRef

    Add utility methods to Lists

  20. final class SymbolBindParam extends (String, Symbol) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  21. final class TheBindParam extends (String, NodeSeq) with BindParam

    Constant BindParam always returning the same value

  22. final class TheBindableBindParam[T <: Bindable] extends (String, T) with BindParam

    Definition Classes
  23. final class TheStrBindParam extends (String, String) with BindParam

    Constant BindParam always returning the same value

  24. class TimeSpan extends ConvertableToDate

    The TimeSpan class represents an amount of time.

  25. case class TimeSpanBuilder(len: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    class building TimeSpans given an amount (len) and a method specify the time unit

  26. class BindParamAssoc extends AnyRef

    This class creates a BindParam from an input value

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. object AsBoolean

    A helpful Boolean extractor

  7. object AsDouble

    A helpful Double extractor

  8. object AsInt

    A helpful Int extractor

  9. object AsLong

    A helpful Long extractor

  10. object AttrBindParam

    BindParam that binds a given value into a new attribute.

  11. object BooleanBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  12. object BoxBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  13. object FuncAttrBindParam

    BindParam using a function to calculate its value.

  14. object FuncAttrBoxBindParam

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  15. object FuncAttrOptionBindParam

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  16. object FuncBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  17. object IntBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  18. object LongBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  19. object OptionBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  20. object SymbolBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  21. object TheBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  22. object TheBindableBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  23. object TheStrBindParam extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  24. object TimeSpan

    The TimeSpan object provides class represents an amount of time.

  25. def ^[T](i: T*): List[T]

    This operator transforms its arguments into a List

    This operator transforms its arguments into a List


    the list of arguments passed as varargs

    Definition Classes
  26. def addAttributes(in: NodeSeq, attributes: MetaData): NodeSeq

    takes a NodeSeq and applies all the attributes to all the Elems at the top level of the NodeSeq.

    takes a NodeSeq and applies all the attributes to all the Elems at the top level of the NodeSeq. The id attribute is applied to the first-found Elem only

    Definition Classes
  27. def addCssClass(cssClass: String, elem: Elem): Elem

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    Definition Classes
  28. def addCssClass(cssClass: Box[String], elem: Elem): Elem

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    Definition Classes
  29. def appendFuncToURL(url: String, funcStr: String): String

    Given a URL and a Lift function String, append the function even if the URL has query params and a #

    Given a URL and a Lift function String, append the function even if the URL has query params and a #

    Definition Classes
  30. def appendParams(url: String, params: Seq[(String, String)]): String

    Append parameters to a URL

    Append parameters to a URL


    the url to append the params to


    the parameters (name/value) to append to the URL


    the url with the parameters appended

    Definition Classes
  31. def appendQueryParameters(url: String, params: List[(String, String)]): String

    Given a list of query parameters, append them to the URL taking into account # and if there are any other query parameters

    Given a list of query parameters, append them to the URL taking into account # and if there are any other query parameters

    Definition Classes
  32. def asBoolean(in: String): Box[Boolean]

    A helper that will convert the String to a Boolean if it's t, true, yes, 1, f, false, no, or 0

    A helper that will convert the String to a Boolean if it's t, true, yes, 1, f, false, no, or 0

    Definition Classes
  33. def asDouble(in: String): Box[Double]

    Safely convert the specified String to a Double.

    Safely convert the specified String to a Double.

    Definition Classes
  34. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  35. def asInt(in: String): Box[Int]

    Safely convert the specified String to an Int.

    Safely convert the specified String to an Int.

    Definition Classes
  36. def asLong(in: Any): Box[Long]

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Long depending on its value

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Long depending on its value

    Definition Classes
  37. def asLong(in: String): Box[Long]

    Safely convert the specified String to a Long.

    Safely convert the specified String to a Long.

    Definition Classes
  38. def base64Decode(in: String): Array[Byte]

    decode a String in Base 64

    decode a String in Base 64

    Definition Classes
  39. def base64Encode(in: Array[Byte]): String

    encode a Byte array in Base 64

    encode a Byte array in Base 64

    Definition Classes
  40. def base64EncodeURLSafe(in: Array[Byte]): String

    encode a Byte array in Base 64 in a way that's safe for use in URLs

    encode a Byte array in Base 64 in a way that's safe for use in URLs

    Definition Classes
  41. def bind(vals: Map[String, NodeSeq], xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    Replace the content of lift:bind nodes with the corresponding nodes found in a map, according to the value of the "name" attribute.

    Replace the content of lift:bind nodes with the corresponding nodes found in a map, according to the value of the "name" attribute.


      bind(Map("a" ->
    = ), change this) must ==/(
    =  =


    map of name/nodes to replace


    nodes containing lift:bind nodes


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    Definition Classes
  42. def bind(namespace: String, nodeFailureXform: Box[(NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq], paramFailureXform: Box[(PrefixedAttribute) ⇒ MetaData], preserveScope: Boolean, xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*): NodeSeq

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    For example:

           Full(xhtml: NodeSeq => Text("Default Value")),
           replace thisreplace with default,
           "hello" ->
    = )
    will return
    =  =
    Default Value


    the namespace of tags to bind


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for tags in the specified namespace that do not have bindings specified.


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for unrecognized attributes in bound elements.


    the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound.


    the list of BindParam bindings to be applied


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    Definition Classes
  43. def bind(namespace: String, nodeFailureXform: Box[(NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq], paramFailureXform: Box[(PrefixedAttribute) ⇒ MetaData], xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*): NodeSeq

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    For example:

           Full(xhtml: NodeSeq => Text("Default Value")),
           replace thisreplace with default,
           "hello" ->
    = )
    will return
    =  =
    Default Value


    the namespace of tags to bind


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for tags in the specified namespace that do not have bindings specified.


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for unrecognized attributes in bound elements.


    the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound.


    the list of BindParam bindings to be applied


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    Definition Classes
  44. def bind(namespace: String, xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*): NodeSeq

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML.

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML.

    For example:

      bind("user", replace this, "hello" ->
    = )
    will return
    =  =


    the namespace of tags to bind


    the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound.


    the list of BindParam bindings to be applied


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    Definition Classes
  45. def bindlist(listvals: List[Map[String, NodeSeq]], xml: NodeSeq): Box[NodeSeq]

    Bind a list of name/xml maps to a block of XML containing lift:bind nodes (see the bind(Map, NodeSeq) function)

    Bind a list of name/xml maps to a block of XML containing lift:bind nodes (see the bind(Map, NodeSeq) function)


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    Definition Classes
  46. def blankForNull(s: String): String

    Test for null and return either the given String if not null or the blank String.

    Test for null and return either the given String if not null or the blank String.

    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def boolean2(b: ⇒ Boolean): Boolean2

    Allows an implicit transform from a Boolean to a Boolean2, allowing expressions such as: (1 == 2) ? "a" | "b" (This expression will return "b")

    Allows an implicit transform from a Boolean to a Boolean2, allowing expressions such as: (1 == 2) ? "a" | "b" (This expression will return "b")


    the predicate to be tested by the ternary operator.

    Definition Classes
  48. def boxParseInternetDate(dateString: String): Box[Date]


    a Box[date] from a string using the internet format.

    Definition Classes
  49. def calcTime[T](f: ⇒ T): (Long, T)


    the time taken to evaluate f in millis and the result

    Definition Classes
  50. def callableMethod_?(meth: Method): Boolean


    true if the method is public and has no parameters

    Definition Classes
  51. def camelify(name: String): String

    Turns a string of format "foo_bar" into camel case "FooBar"

    Turns a string of format "foo_bar" into camel case "FooBar"

    Functional code courtesy of Jamie Webb ([email protected]) 2006/11/28


    the String to CamelCase


    the CamelCased string

    Definition Classes
  52. def camelifyMethod(name: String): String

    Turn a string of format "foo_bar" into camel case with the first letter in lower case: "fooBar" This function is especially used to camelCase method names.

    Turn a string of format "foo_bar" into camel case with the first letter in lower case: "fooBar" This function is especially used to camelCase method names.


    the String to CamelCase


    the CamelCased string

    Definition Classes
  53. def capify(in: String): String

    Capitalize every "word" in the string.

    Capitalize every "word" in the string. A word is either separated by spaces or underscores.


    string to capify


    the capified string

    Definition Classes
  54. def charSplit(what: String, sep: Char): List[String]

    Faster than roboSplit.

    Faster than roboSplit... this method splits Strings at a given character

    Definition Classes
  55. def chooseTemplate(prefix: String, tag: String, xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    Finds and returns one of many templates from the children based upon the namespace and tag name: for example, for prefix "choose" and tag name "stuff" this would return the contents of the first tag <choose:stuff> ... </choose:stuff> in the specified NodeSeq.

    Finds and returns one of many templates from the children based upon the namespace and tag name: for example, for prefix "choose" and tag name "stuff" this would return the contents of the first tag <choose:stuff> ... </choose:stuff> in the specified NodeSeq.


    the prefix (e.g., "choose")


    the tag to choose (e.g., "stuff")


    the node sequence to search for the specified element


    the first matching node sequence

    Definition Classes
  56. def classHasControllerMethod(clz: Class[_], name: String): Boolean

    Check that the method 'name' is callable for class 'clz'

    Check that the method 'name' is callable for class 'clz'


    the class supposed to own the method


    name of the method to test


    true if the method exists on the class and is callable

    Definition Classes
  57. def classHierarchy(in: Class[_]): List[Class[_]]

    Definition Classes
  58. def clean(in: String): String

    Remove all the characters from a string exception a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and '_'

    Remove all the characters from a string exception a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and '_'


    the cleaned string and an empty string if the input is null

    Definition Classes
  59. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  60. def commafy(what: String): String

    Add commas before the last 3 characters

    Add commas before the last 3 characters


    the string with commas

    Definition Classes
  61. def compareElem(left: Elem, right: Elem): Boolean

    Compare two Elems

    Compare two Elems

    Definition Classes
  62. def compareMetaData(left: List[MetaData], right: List[MetaData]): Boolean

    Compare the metadata of two attributes

    Compare the metadata of two attributes

    Definition Classes
  63. def compareNode(left: Node, right: Node): Boolean

    Comparse two XML nodes

    Comparse two XML nodes

    Definition Classes
  64. def compareXml(left: NodeSeq, right: NodeSeq): Boolean

    Compare two NodeSeq and return true if they are equal, even if attribute order of Elems is different

    Compare two NodeSeq and return true if they are equal, even if attribute order of Elems is different

    Definition Classes
  65. def containsClass[C](clz: Class[C], toMatch: List[Class[_]]): Boolean

    Is the clz an instance of (assignable from) any of the classes in the list

    Is the clz an instance of (assignable from) any of the classes in the list


    the class to test


    the list of classes to match against


    true if clz is assignable from any of the matching classes

    Definition Classes
  66. def couldBeHtml(in: Map[String, String]): Boolean

    Given a map of HTTP properties, return true if the "Content-type" value in the map is either "text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml"

    Given a map of HTTP properties, return true if the "Content-type" value in the map is either "text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml"


    Map which may contain a key named Content-Type


    true if there is a pair ("Content-Type", "text/html") or ("Content-Type", "application/xhtml+xml")

    Definition Classes
  67. def createInvoker[C <: AnyRef](name: String, on: C): Box[() ⇒ Box[Any]]

    Create a function (the 'invoker') which will trigger any public, parameterless method That function will throw the cause exception if the method can't be invoked

    Create a function (the 'invoker') which will trigger any public, parameterless method That function will throw the cause exception if the method can't be invoked


    instance whose method must be invoked


    Empty if instance is null or Full(invoker)

    Definition Classes
  68. implicit def cssSelectorToCssBindPromoter(sel: CssSelector): ToCssBindPromoter

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    Definition Classes
  69. def currentYear: Int


    the current year

    Definition Classes
  70. def dateFormatter: SimpleDateFormat


    a standard format for the date yyyy/MM/dd

    Definition Classes
  71. def day(in: Date): Int


    the day of month corresponding to the input date (1 based)

    Definition Classes
  72. def days(in: Long): Long


    the number of millis corresponding to 'in' days

    Definition Classes
  73. def daysSinceEpoch: Long


    the number of days since epoch

    Definition Classes
  74. def deepEnsureUniqueId(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique.

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique. If there's a duplicate, that Elem will be returned without an id

    Definition Classes
  75. def deepFindKids(in: NodeSeq, prefix: String, label: String): NodeSeq

    Definition Classes
  76. def delta[T, Res](old: Seq[T], newList: Seq[T])(f: (DeltaInfo[T]) ⇒ Res): List[Res]

    Compute the deltas between two sequences of a given type.

    Compute the deltas between two sequences of a given type. Apply the function based on the differences between the two lists. The resulting List of commands will be returned. The algorithm used to calculate the diffs is not very efficient and can degrade to O(n^2), so it's not great for large collections. Internally the Seq[T] are converted to a List[T]. Finally, it's highly recommended that T be immutable and does proper equals testing (e.g., a case class).

    Definition Classes
  77. def delta[T, Res](old: Box[Seq[T]], newList: Seq[T])(f: (DeltaInfo[T]) ⇒ Res): List[Res]

    Compute the deltas between two sequences of a given type.

    Compute the deltas between two sequences of a given type. Apply the function based on the differences between the two lists. The resulting List of commands will be returned.

    Definition Classes
  78. def doClose[T](is: Closeable*)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Executes by-name function f and then closes the Cloaseables parameters

    Executes by-name function f and then closes the Cloaseables parameters

    Definition Classes
  79. def emptyForBlank(s: String): Box[String]

    Turn a String into a Box[String], with Empty for the blank string.

    Turn a String into a Box[String], with Empty for the blank string.

    A string containing only spaces is considered blank.


    Full(s.trim) if s is not null or blank, Empty otherwise

    Definition Classes
  80. def encJs(what: String): String

    Encode the string to be including in JavaScript, replacing '\' or '\\' or non-ASCII characters by their unicode value

    Encode the string to be including in JavaScript, replacing '\' or '\\' or non-ASCII characters by their unicode value


    the encoded string inserted into quotes

    Definition Classes
  81. def ensureId(ns: NodeSeq, id: String): NodeSeq

    Ensure that the first Element has the specified ID

    Ensure that the first Element has the specified ID

    Definition Classes
  82. def ensureUniqueId(in: Seq[NodeSeq]): Seq[NodeSeq]

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique.

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique. If there's a duplicate, that Elem will be returned without an id

    Definition Classes
  83. def enumToList[T](enum: Enumeration[T]): List[T]

    Convert a java.

    Convert a java.util.Enumeration to a List[T]

    Definition Classes
  84. def enumToStringList[C](enum: Enumeration[C]): List[String]

    Convert a java.

    Convert a java.util.Enumeration to a List[String] using the toString method on each element

    Definition Classes
  85. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  86. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  87. def errorDiv(body: NodeSeq): Box[NodeSeq]

    Definition Classes
  88. def escChar(in: Char): String

    Create the unicode value of a character

    Create the unicode value of a character




    the unicode value as a string starting by \\u

    Definition Classes
  89. def evalElemWithId(f: (String, Elem) ⇒ NodeSeq)(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    Within a NodeSeq, find the first elem and run it through the function.

    Within a NodeSeq, find the first elem and run it through the function. Return the resulting NodeSeq

    Definition Classes
  90. def exec(cmds: String*): Box[String]

    Execute the specified OS command and return the output of that command in a Full Box if the command succeeds, or a Failure if an error occurs.

    Execute the specified OS command and return the output of that command in a Full Box if the command succeeds, or a Failure if an error occurs.

    Definition Classes
  91. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  92. def findBox[T](nodes: Seq[Node])(f: (Elem) ⇒ Box[T]): Box[T]

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns a Box[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Full

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns a Box[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Full

    Definition Classes
  93. def findClass(where: List[(String, List[String])]): Box[Class[AnyRef]]

    Find a class given a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary

    Find a class given a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  94. def findClass(name: String, where: List[String]): Box[Class[AnyRef]]

    Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary.

    Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary.


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  95. def findClass[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], targetType: Class[C]): Box[Class[C]]

    Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary.

    Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary.


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  96. def findClass(name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[(String) ⇒ String]): Box[Class[AnyRef]]

    General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages and a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.

    General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages and a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld').


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  97. def findClass[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[(String) ⇒ String], targetType: Class[C]): Box[Class[C]]

    General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages, a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.

    General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages, a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld').


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  98. def findElems(nodes: NodeSeq)(f: (Elem) ⇒ Boolean): NodeSeq

    Find the elements of the specified NodeSeq that match the specified predicate and concatenate them into a resulting NodeSeq.

    Find the elements of the specified NodeSeq that match the specified predicate and concatenate them into a resulting NodeSeq.


    - the NodeSeq to search for elements matching the predicate


    - the predicate to match elements with


    the NodeSeq resulting from concatenation of the matched elements.

    Definition Classes
  99. def findId(ns: NodeSeq): Box[String]

    Finds the first Element in the NodeSeq (or any children) that has an ID attribute

    Finds the first Element in the NodeSeq (or any children) that has an ID attribute

    Definition Classes
  100. def findId(nodes: Seq[Node], id: String): Option[Elem]

    Given an id value, find the Elem with the specified id

    Given an id value, find the Elem with the specified id

    Definition Classes
  101. def findInElems[T](nodes: NodeSeq)(f: (Elem) ⇒ Iterable[T]): List[T]

    Map the specified function over the elements of the specified NodeSeq and return the concatenated result.

    Map the specified function over the elements of the specified NodeSeq and return the concatenated result. This is essentially a container-type-transforming flatMap operation.

    Definition Classes
  102. def findKids(in: NodeSeq, prefix: String, label: String): NodeSeq

    Definition Classes
  103. def findNode(in: Elem, nodes: NodeSeq): Box[Elem]

    Finds and returns the first node in the specified NodeSeq and its children with the same label and prefix as the specified element.

    Finds and returns the first node in the specified NodeSeq and its children with the same label and prefix as the specified element.

    Definition Classes
  104. def findOption[T](nodes: Seq[Node])(f: (Elem) ⇒ Option[T]): Option[T]

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns an Option[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Some

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns an Option[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Some

    Definition Classes
  105. def findOrAddId(in: Elem): (Elem, String)

    If the specified Elem has an attribute named 'id', return it, otherwise construct a new Elem with a randomly generated id attribute and return the pair

    If the specified Elem has an attribute named 'id', return it, otherwise construct a new Elem with a randomly generated id attribute and return the pair


    the element to test & add 'id' to


    the new element and the id

    Definition Classes
  106. def findOrCreateId(f: (String) ⇒ (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq): (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

    Find the first Elem in the NodeSeq.

    Find the first Elem in the NodeSeq. If it has an id attribute, then call the function, f, with that id. If the first Elem does not have an id attribute, create an id attribute and pass that id attribute to the function

    Definition Classes
  107. def findType[C <: AnyRef](where: List[(String, List[String])])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]]

    Find a class given its type, a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary

    Find a class given its type, a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  108. def findType[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]]

    Find a class given its type, its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary.

    Find a class given its type, its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if necessary.


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  109. def findType[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[(String) ⇒ String])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]]

    General method to in find a class according to its type, its name, a list of possible packages and a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.

    General method to in find a class according to its type, its name, a list of possible packages and a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld').


    a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.

    Definition Classes
  110. def first[B, C](in: Seq[B])(_f: (B) ⇒ Box[C]): Box[C]

    Returns the first application of f to an element of in that results in a Full Box.

    Returns the first application of f to an element of in that results in a Full Box. If f applied to an element of in results in an Empty Box, then f will be applied to the rest of the elements of in until a Full Box results. If the list runs out then an Empty Box is returned.


    a list of elements to which f can be applied


    a Box containing the first Full Box or Empty if f never returns a Full Box

    Definition Classes
  111. def first_?[B](in: Seq[B])(f: ⇒ (B) ⇒ Boolean): Box[B]

    Returns a Full Box with the first element x of the list in for which f(x) evaluates to true.

    Returns a Full Box with the first element x of the list in for which f(x) evaluates to true. If f(x) evaluates to false for every x, then an Empty Box is returned.


    a list of elements to which f can be applied


    a function that can be applied to elements of in


    a Box containing the found element (or Empty if not found)

    Definition Classes
  112. def formattedDateNow: String


    today's date formatted as yyyy/MM/dd

    Definition Classes
  113. def formattedTimeNow: String


    now's time formatted as HH:mm zzz

    Definition Classes
  114. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  115. def hash(in: String): String

    create a SHA hash from a String

    create a SHA hash from a String

    Definition Classes
  116. def hash(in: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte]

    create a SHA hash from a Byte array

    create a SHA hash from a Byte array

    Definition Classes
  117. def hash256(in: String): String

    create a SHA-256 hash from a String

    create a SHA-256 hash from a String

    Definition Classes
  118. def hash256(in: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte]

    create a SHA-256 hash from a Byte array

    create a SHA-256 hash from a Byte array

    Definition Classes
  119. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  120. def hashHex(in: String): String

    create a SHA hash from a String

    create a SHA hash from a String

    Definition Classes
  121. def head[T](l: Seq[T], deft: ⇒ T): T

    Return the first element of a List or a default value if the list is empty

    Return the first element of a List or a default value if the list is empty

    Definition Classes
  122. def hexDecode(str: String): Array[Byte]

    Definition Classes
  123. def hexDigest(in: Array[Byte]): String

    create an hex encoded SHA hash from a Byte array

    create an hex encoded SHA hash from a Byte array

    Definition Classes
  124. def hexDigest256(in: Array[Byte]): String

    create an hex encoded SHA-256 hash from a Byte array

    create an hex encoded SHA-256 hash from a Byte array

    Definition Classes
  125. def hexEncode(in: Array[Byte]): String

    encode a Byte array as hexadecimal characters

    encode a Byte array as hexadecimal characters

    Definition Classes
  126. def hourFormat(in: Date): String


    the formatted time for a given Date

    Definition Classes
  127. def hourFormat: SimpleDateFormat


    a standard format HH:mm:ss

    Definition Classes
  128. def hours(in: Long): Long


    the number of millis corresponding to 'in' hours

    Definition Classes
  129. def instantiate[C](clz: Class[C]): Box[C]

    Create a new instance of a class

    Create a new instance of a class


    a Full can with the instance or a Failure if the instance can't be created

    Definition Classes
  130. def insureField(toInsure: List[(String, String)], headers: List[(String, String)]): List[(String, String)]

    Ensure that all the appropriate fields are in the header.

    Ensure that all the appropriate fields are in the header.

    Definition Classes
  131. implicit def intToTimeSpan(in: Int): TimeSpan

    transforms an int to a TimeSpan object.

    transforms an int to a TimeSpan object. Usage: 3000 returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis

    Definition Classes
  132. implicit def intToTimeSpanBuilder(in: Int): TimeSpanBuilder

    transforms an int to a TimeSpanBuilder object.

    transforms an int to a TimeSpanBuilder object. Usage: 3.seconds returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis

    Definition Classes
  133. def internetDateFormatter: SimpleDateFormat


    a formatter for internet dates (RFC822/1123) including: the day of week, the month, day of month, time and time zone

    Definition Classes
  134. def invokeControllerMethod(clz: Class[_], meth: String): Any

    Invoke a controller method (parameterless, public) on a class

    Invoke a controller method (parameterless, public) on a class


    the class owning the method


    the result of the method invocation or throws the root exception causing an error

    Definition Classes
  135. def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef], ptypes: Array[Class[_]]): Box[Any]

    Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters and their types Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used

    Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters and their types Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used


    class whose method should be invoked


    instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static


    method to invoke


    parameters to pass to the method


    list of types of the parameters


    a Box containing the value returned by the method

    Definition Classes
  136. def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef]): Box[Any]

    Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters.

    Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters. Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used


    class whose method should be invoked


    instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static


    method to invoke


    parameters to pass to the method


    a Box containing the value returned by the method

    Definition Classes
  137. def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String): Box[Any]

    Invoke the given method for the given class, with no params.

    Invoke the given method for the given class, with no params. The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used


    class whose method should be invoked


    instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static


    method to invoke


    a Box containing the value returned by the method

    Definition Classes
  138. def isEq(a: Array[Byte], b: Array[Byte]): Boolean

    Compare two arrays of Byte for byte equality.

    Compare two arrays of Byte for byte equality.


    true if two Byte arrays contain the same bytes

    Definition Classes
  139. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  140. val knownSuffixes: Set[String]

    The list of known suffixes used to split the URI into path parts and suffixes.

    The list of known suffixes used to split the URI into path parts and suffixes.

    Definition Classes
  141. def listFromListAndString(lst: List[String], s: String): List[String]

    Creates a List of Strings from a List[String] and a String

    Creates a List of Strings from a List[String] and a String

    Definition Classes
  142. def listFromStrings(s1: String, s2: String): List[String]

    Creates a List of Strings from two Strings

    Creates a List of Strings from two Strings

    Definition Classes
  143. def listIf[T](expr: Boolean)(f: ⇒ T): List[T]

    Return a list containing the element f if the expression is true

    Return a list containing the element f if the expression is true

    Definition Classes
  144. implicit def listStringToSuper(in: List[String]): SuperListString


    a SuperString with more available methods such as roboSplit or commafy

    Definition Classes
  145. implicit def listToListMapish(in: Seq[(String, String)]): ListMapish

    adds the ciGet method to a List of Pairs of Strings

    adds the ciGet method to a List of Pairs of Strings

    Definition Classes
  146. def logTime[T](f: ⇒ (String, T)): T

    Call f and log the string returned together with the time taken in millis.

    Call f and log the string returned together with the time taken in millis.


    the second result from f

    Definition Classes
  147. def logTime[T](msg: String)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Log a message with the time taken in millis to do something and return the result

    Log a message with the time taken in millis to do something and return the result


    the result

    Definition Classes
  148. implicit def longToTimeSpan(in: Long): TimeSpan

    transforms a long to a TimeSpan object.

    transforms a long to a TimeSpan object. Usage: 3000L returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis

    Definition Classes
  149. implicit def longToTimeSpanBuilder(in: Long): TimeSpanBuilder

    transforms a long to a TimeSpanBuilder object.

    transforms a long to a TimeSpanBuilder object. Usage: 3L.seconds returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis

    Definition Classes
  150. def md5(in: String): String

    create a MD5 digest from a String

    create a MD5 digest from a String

    Definition Classes
  151. def md5(in: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte]

    create a MD5 digest from a Byte array

    create a MD5 digest from a Byte array

    Definition Classes
  152. def millis: Long


    the current number of millis: System.currentTimeMillis

    Definition Classes
  153. def millisToDays(millis: Long): Long


    the number of days since epoch converted from millis

    Definition Classes
  154. def minutes(in: Long): Long


    the number of millis corresponding to 'in' minutes

    Definition Classes
  155. def mixinAttributes(out: Elem)(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    Takes attributes from the first node of 'in' (if any) and mixes them into 'out'.

    Takes attributes from the first node of 'in' (if any) and mixes them into 'out'. Curried form can be used to produce a NodeSeq => NodeSeq for bind.


    where to put the attributes


    where to take the attributes from


    'out' element with attributes from 'in'

    Definition Classes
  156. def month(in: Date): Int


    the month corresponding to today (0 based, relative to UTC)

    Definition Classes
  157. def nano: Long


    the current System.nanoTime()

    Definition Classes
  158. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  159. def nextFuncName(seed: Long): String

    Get a guaranteed unique field name (16 or 17 letters and numbers, starting with a letter)

    Get a guaranteed unique field name (16 or 17 letters and numbers, starting with a letter)

    Definition Classes
  160. def nextFuncName: String

    Get a guaranteed unique field name (16 or 17 letters and numbers, starting with a letter)

    Get a guaranteed unique field name (16 or 17 letters and numbers, starting with a letter)

    Definition Classes
  161. def nextNum: Long

    Get a monotonically increasing number that's guaranteed to be unique for the current session

    Get a monotonically increasing number that's guaranteed to be unique for the current session

    Definition Classes
  162. def noHtmlTag(in: NodeSeq): Boolean

    Return true if the xml doesn't contain an <html> tag

    Return true if the xml doesn't contain an <html> tag

    Definition Classes
  163. implicit def nodeSeqToOptionString(in: NodeSeq): Box[String]


    an Empty can if the node seq is empty and a full can with the NodeSeq text otherwise

    Definition Classes
  164. def notEq(a: Array[Byte], b: Array[Byte]): Boolean

    Compare two arrays of Byte for byte equality.

    Compare two arrays of Byte for byte equality.


    true if two Byte arrays don't contain the same bytes

    Definition Classes
  165. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  166. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  167. def now: Date


    the date object for now

    Definition Classes
  168. def nowAsInternetDate: String


    the current time as an internet date

    Definition Classes
  169. implicit def pairToUnprefixed(in: (String, Any)): MetaData

    Transform a pair (name: String, value: Any) to an unprefixed XML attribute name="value"

    Transform a pair (name: String, value: Any) to an unprefixed XML attribute name="value"

    Definition Classes
  170. def paramsToUrlParams(params: List[(String, String)]): String

    Take a list of name/value parse and turn them into a URL query string

    Take a list of name/value parse and turn them into a URL query string


    the name/value pairs


    a valid query string

    Definition Classes
  171. def parseInternetDate(dateString: String): Date


    a date from a string using the internet format. Return the Epoch date if the parse is unsuccesful

    Definition Classes
  172. def parseNumber(tin: String): Long

    Parse a string and return the Long value of that string.

    Parse a string and return the Long value of that string.

    The string can start with '-' if it is a negative number or '+' for a positive number


    the Long value of the input String

    Definition Classes
  173. def permuteList[T](in: Seq[T]): List[List[T]]

    Given a list, return all the permutations of the list.

    Given a list, return all the permutations of the list.


    -- the list


    all the permutations of the list

    Definition Classes
  174. def permuteWithSublists[T](in: Seq[T]): List[List[T]]

    Given a list, return all the permutations including the removal of items (does not return a Nil list unless in is Nil).

    Given a list, return all the permutations including the removal of items (does not return a Nil list unless in is Nil).


    the list to permute


    all the permutations of the list including sublists, sorted in longest to shortest

    Definition Classes
  175. implicit def pfToGuardable[A](in: PartialFunction[A, _]): PartialFunctionWrapper[A]

    promote a partial function such that we can invoke the guard method to wrap the guarded partial function with a guard

    promote a partial function such that we can invoke the guard method to wrap the guarded partial function with a guard

    Definition Classes
  176. def processString(msg: String, subst: Map[String, String]): String

    Replaces the value found in a string surrounded by <%= .

    Replaces the value found in a string surrounded by <%= ... %> by a replacement according to the value found in the subst Map.

    Throws an exception if no correspondance can be found.


    string where replacements should be done


    map of [regular expression with groups, replacement]

    Definition Classes
  177. def randomInt(mod: Int): Int

    return a random int modulo a number

    return a random int modulo a number

    Definition Classes
  178. def randomLong(mod: Long): Long

    return a random Long modulo a number

    return a random Long modulo a number

    Definition Classes
  179. def randomString(size: Int): String

    Create a random string of a given size.

    Create a random string of a given size. 5 bits of randomness per character


    size of the string to create. Must be a positive integer.


    the generated string

    Definition Classes
  180. def readWholeFile(file: File): Array[Byte]

    Read an entire file into an Array[Byte]

    Read an entire file into an Array[Byte]

    Definition Classes
  181. def readWholeStream(in: InputStream): Array[Byte]

    Read all data from a stream into an Array[Byte]

    Read all data from a stream into an Array[Byte]

    Definition Classes
  182. def readWholeThing(in: Reader): String

    Read all data to the end of the specified Reader and concatenate the resulting data into a string.

    Read all data to the end of the specified Reader and concatenate the resulting data into a string.

    Definition Classes
  183. def replaceIdNode(in: NodeSeq, id: String, replacement: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    Replace the element with the id that matches with the replacement nodeseq.

    Replace the element with the id that matches with the replacement nodeseq.

    Definition Classes
  184. def roboSplit(what: String, sep: String): List[String]

    Split a string according to a separator

    Split a string according to a separator


    a regexp to use with the String::split method


    a list of trimmed parts whose length is > 0

    Definition Classes
  185. def rotateList[T](in: Seq[T]): List[List[T]]

    Given an incoming list, return a set of lists that is the original list rotated through all its positions

    Given an incoming list, return a set of lists that is the original list rotated through all its positions


    the list to rotate


    all the rotations of the list

    Definition Classes
  186. def seconds(in: Long): Long


    the number of millis corresponding to 'in' seconds

    Definition Classes
  187. def secureEquals(s1: Array[Byte], s2: Array[Byte]): Boolean

    Compare two byte arrays in a way that does not vary if the arrays are determined to be not equal early (test every byte.

    Compare two byte arrays in a way that does not vary if the arrays are determined to be not equal early (test every byte... avoids timing attackes

    Definition Classes
  188. def secureEquals(s1: String, s2: String): Boolean

    Compare two strings in a way that does not vary if the strings are determined to be not equal early (test every byte.

    Compare two strings in a way that does not vary if the strings are determined to be not equal early (test every byte... avoids timing attackes

    Definition Classes
  189. def shouldShow(percent: Double): Boolean

    return true only 'percent' times when asked repeatedly.

    return true only 'percent' times when asked repeatedly. This function is used in the Skittr example to get a random set of users


    percentage as a double number <= 1.0

    Definition Classes
  190. def snakify(name: String): String

    Turn a string of format "FooBar" into snake case "foo_bar"

    Turn a string of format "FooBar" into snake case "foo_bar"

    Note: snakify is not reversible, ie. in general the following will _not_ be true:

    s == camelify(snakify(s))


    the underscored string

    Definition Classes
  191. def splitAt(what: String, sep: String): List[(String, String)]

    Split a string in 2 parts at the first place where a separator is found

    Split a string in 2 parts at the first place where a separator is found


    a List containing a pair of the 2 trimmed parts

    Definition Classes
  192. def splitAtHash(str: String)(f: (String) ⇒ String): String

    Split a String at the Hash sign, run the function on the non-# side and then append the hash side

    Split a String at the Hash sign, run the function on the non-# side and then append the hash side

    Definition Classes
  193. def splitColonPair(in: String, first: String, second: String): (String, String)

    Split a string separated by a point or by a column in 2 parts.

    Split a string separated by a point or by a column in 2 parts. Uses default values if only one is found or if no parts are found


    string to split


    default value for the first part if no split can be done


    default value for the second part if one or less parts can be found


    a pair containing the first and second parts

    Definition Classes
  194. def splitNameValuePairs(props: String): Map[String, String]

    Splits a string of the form <name1=value1, name2=value2, .

    Splits a string of the form <name1=value1, name2=value2, ... > and unquotes the quoted values. The result is a Map[String, String]

    Definition Classes
  195. implicit def strToCssBindPromoter(str: String): ToCssBindPromoter

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    Definition Classes
  196. implicit def strToSuperArrowAssoc(in: String): SuperArrowAssoc

    Definition Classes
  197. implicit def stringToSuper(in: String): SuperString


    a SuperString with more available methods such as roboSplit or commafy

    Definition Classes
  198. def stripHead(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

    Remove all the <head> tags, just leaving the child tags

    Remove all the <head> tags, just leaving the child tags

    Definition Classes
  199. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  200. def template(xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag1: String, tag2: String, tag3: String): Box[(NodeSeq, NodeSeq, NodeSeq)]

    Find three of many templates from the children

    Find three of many templates from the children

    Definition Classes
  201. def template(xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag1: String, tag2: String): Box[(NodeSeq, NodeSeq)]

    Find two of many templates from the children

    Find two of many templates from the children

    Definition Classes
  202. def template(xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag: String): Box[NodeSeq]

    Similar to chooseTemplate, this returns the contents of the element in a Full Box if found or an Empty Box otherwise.

    Similar to chooseTemplate, this returns the contents of the element in a Full Box if found or an Empty Box otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  203. def time(when: Long): Date

    alias for new Date(millis)

    alias for new Date(millis)

    Definition Classes
  204. def timeFormatter: SimpleDateFormat


    a format for the time which includes the TimeZone: HH:mm zzz

    Definition Classes
  205. def toBoolean(in: Any): Boolean

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Boolean depending on its value

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Boolean depending on its value

    Definition Classes
  206. def toByteArrayInputStream(in: InputStream): ByteArrayInputStream

    Convert any InputStream to a ByteArrayInputStream

    Convert any InputStream to a ByteArrayInputStream

    Definition Classes
  207. implicit def toCalendarExtension(c: Calendar): CalendarExtension

    implicit def used to add the setXXX methods to the Calendar class

    implicit def used to add the setXXX methods to the Calendar class

    Definition Classes
  208. def toDate(in: Any): Box[Date]


    a Full(date) or a failure if the input couldn't be translated to date (or Empty if the input is null)

    Definition Classes
  209. implicit def toDateExtension(d: Date): DateExtension

    implicit def used to add the noTime method to the Date class

    implicit def used to add the noTime method to the Date class

    Definition Classes
  210. def toHashMap[A, B](in: Map[A, B]): HashMap[A, B]

    Transform a general Map to a nutable HashMap

    Transform a general Map to a nutable HashMap

    Definition Classes
  211. def toInt(in: Any): Int

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Int depending on its value

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Int depending on its value

    Definition Classes
  212. def toInternetDate(in: Long): String


    a date formatted with the internet format (from a number of millis)

    Definition Classes
  213. def toInternetDate(in: Date): String


    a date formatted with the internet format

    Definition Classes
  214. def toLong(in: Any): Long

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Long depending on its value

    Convert any object to an "equivalent" Long depending on its value

    Definition Classes
  215. implicit def toOptiCons(expr: ⇒ Boolean): OptionalCons

    Implicit transformation from a Boolean expression to an OptionalCons object so that an element can be added to a list if the expression is true

    Implicit transformation from a Boolean expression to an OptionalCons object so that an element can be added to a list if the expression is true

    Definition Classes
  216. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  217. implicit def toSuperList[T](in: List[T]): SuperList[T]

    Add utility methods to Lists

    Add utility methods to Lists

    Definition Classes
  218. def today: Calendar


    the Calendar object for today (the TimeZone is the local TimeZone). Its time is 00:00:00.000

    Definition Classes
  219. def tryo[T](ignore: Class[_])(f: ⇒ T): Box[T]

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f.

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f. Takes only one Class of exception to ignore


    - a single exception classes to ignore. A thrown exception will be ignored if it is assignable from this class.


    - the block of code to evaluate


    • Full(result of the evaluation of f) if f doesn't throw any exception
    • a Failure if f throws an exception
    • Empty if the exception class is in the ignore list
    Definition Classes
  220. def tryo[T](ignore: List[Class[_]])(f: ⇒ T): Box[T]

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f


    - a list of exception classes to ignore. A thrown exception will be ignored if it is assignable from one of the exception classes in the list


    - the block of code to evaluate


    • Full(result of the evaluation of f) if f doesn't throw any exception
    • a Failure if f throws an exception
    • Empty if the exception class is in the ignore list
    Definition Classes
  221. def tryo[T](onError: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit)(f: ⇒ T): Box[T]

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f and trigger a callback function if an exception is thrown

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f and trigger a callback function if an exception is thrown


    - an optional callback function that will use the thrown exception as a parameter


    - the block of code to evaluate


    • Full(result of the evaluation of f) if f doesn't throw any exception
    • a Failure if f throws an exception
    Definition Classes
  222. def tryo[T](f: ⇒ T): Box[T]

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f


    - the block of code to evaluate


    • Full(result of the evaluation of f) if f doesn't throw any exception
    • a Failure if f throws an exception
    Definition Classes
  223. def tryo[T](handler: PartialFunction[Throwable, T], f: ⇒ T): Box[T]

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f.

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f. If f throws an exception that is in the domain of the handler PF, the handler will be invoked on the exception. Otherwise the exception is wrapped into a Failure.


    - A partial function that handles exceptions


    - the block of code to evaluate


    • Full(result of the evaluation of f) if f doesn't throw any exception
    • a Failure if f throws an exception
    Definition Classes
    See also


  224. def tryo[T](ignore: List[Class[_]], onError: Box[(Throwable) ⇒ Unit])(f: ⇒ T): Box[T]

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f.

    Wraps a "try" block around the function f. If f throws an exception with its class in the 'ignore' list or if 'ignore' is null or an empty list, ignore the exception and return None.


    - a list of exception classes to ignore. A thrown exception will be ignored if it is assignable from one of the exception classes in the list


    - an optional callback function that will use the thrown exception as a parameter


    - the block of code to evaluate


    • Full(result of the evaluation of f) if f doesn't throw any exception
    • a Failure if f throws an exception
    • Empty if the exception class is in the ignore list
    Definition Classes
  225. def unquote(str: String): String

    If str is surrounded by quotes it return the content between the quotes

    If str is surrounded by quotes it return the content between the quotes

    Definition Classes
  226. def urlDecode(in: String): String

    URL decode the string.

    URL decode the string.

    This is a pass-through to Java's URL decode with UTF-8

    Definition Classes
  227. def urlEncode(in: String): String

    URL encode the string.

    URL encode the string.

    This is a pass-through to Java's URL encode with UTF-8

    Definition Classes
  228. val utc: TimeZone

    The UTC TimeZone

    The UTC TimeZone

    Definition Classes
  229. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  230. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  231. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  232. def weeks(in: Long): Long


    the number of millis corresponding to 'in' weeks

    Definition Classes
  233. def xmlParam(in: NodeSeq, param: String): Box[String]

    Finds the named attribute in specified XML element and returns a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found.

    Finds the named attribute in specified XML element and returns a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found. Empty otherwise.


    a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found; Empty otherwise

    Definition Classes
  234. def year(in: Date): Int


    the year corresponding to today (relative to UTC)

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object BindParamAssoc

    transforms a Box into a Text node

  2. def camelCase(name: String): String

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3) Use StringHelpers.camelify

  3. def camelCaseMethod(name: String): String

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3) Use StringHelpers.camelifyMethod

  4. def dayNow: Date


    the current Day as a Date object

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.6) use today instead

  5. def emptyForNull(s: String): String

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3) Use blankForNull instead

  6. def processBind(around: NodeSeq, atWhat: Map[String, NodeSeq]): NodeSeq

    Bind parameters to XML.

    Bind parameters to XML.


    XML with lift:bind elements


    data to bind

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3) use the bind function instead

  7. implicit def strToBPAssoc(in: String): BindParamAssoc

    transforms a String to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the --> operator.

    transforms a String to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the --> operator.

    Usage: "David" --> "name"

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.4) use -> instead

  8. implicit def symToSAAssoc(in: Symbol): SuperArrowAssoc

    transforms a Symbol to a SuperArrowAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the -> operator.

    transforms a Symbol to a SuperArrowAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the -> operator.

    Usage: 'David -> "name"

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.4) use -> instead

  9. def timeNow: Date


    the current time as a Date object

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.4) use now instead

  10. def unCamelCase(name: String): String

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3) Use StringHelpers.snakify

  11. def xbind(namespace: String, xml: NodeSeq)(transform: PartialFunction[String, (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq]): NodeSeq

    Experimental extension to bind which passes in an additional "parameter" from the XHTML to the transform function, which can be used to format the returned NodeSeq.

    Experimental extension to bind which passes in an additional "parameter" from the XHTML to the transform function, which can be used to format the returned NodeSeq.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.4) use bind instead

Inherited from ControlHelpers

Inherited from ClassHelpers

Inherited from BasicTypesHelpers

Inherited from IoHelpers

Inherited from HttpHelpers

Inherited from BindHelpers

Inherited from SecurityHelpers

Inherited from ListHelpers

Inherited from StringHelpers

Inherited from TimeHelpers

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
