

package snippet

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AjaxMessageMeta(title: NodeSeq, cssClasses: Box[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    This case class is used to hold formatting data for the notice groups so that AJAX and static notices render consistently.

  2. class AsyncRenderComet extends CometActor

    The Comet Actor for sending down the computed page fragments

  3. abstract class CometFailureException extends SnippetFailureException

  4. class CometNotFoundException extends CometFailureException

  5. class CometTimeoutException extends CometFailureException

Value Members

  1. object CSS extends DispatchSnippet

    Display Blueprint CSS headers

  2. object Children extends DispatchSnippet

  3. object Comet extends DispatchSnippet with LazyLoggable

  4. object Embed extends DispatchSnippet

    This object implements the logic for the <lift:embed> tag.

  5. object Form extends DispatchSnippet

    This object is the default handler for the <lift:form> tag, which is used to perform AJAX submission of form contents.

  6. object HTML5 extends DispatchSnippet

    Sets the DocType to html5

  7. object Head extends DispatchSnippet

    The 'head' snippet.

  8. object Ignore extends DispatchSnippet

  9. object LazyLoad extends DispatchSnippet

    Enclose your snippet tags on your template with LazyLoad and the snippet will execute on a different thread, which avoids blocking the page render.

  10. object Loc extends DispatchSnippet

    The Loc snippet is used to render localized content.

  11. object Menu extends DispatchSnippet

    This built-in snippet can be used to render a menu representing your SiteMap.

  12. object Msg extends DispatchSnippet

    This class is a built in snippet that allows rendering only notices (Errors, Warnings, Notices) that are associated with the id provided.

  13. object MsgErrorMeta extends SessionVar[HashMap[String, String]]

    This SessionVar holds a map of per-id CSS classes for error notices so that the AJAX and static renderers use the same formatting.

  14. object MsgNoticeMeta extends SessionVar[HashMap[String, String]]

    This SessionVar holds a map of per-id CSS classes for notice notices so that the AJAX and static renderers use the same formatting.

  15. object MsgWarningMeta extends SessionVar[HashMap[String, String]]

    This SessionVar holds a map of per-id CSS classes for warning notices so that the AJAX and static renderers use the same formatting.

  16. object Msgs extends DispatchSnippet

    This built in snippet renders messages (Errors, Warnings, Notices) in a div.

  17. object MsgsErrorMeta extends SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]]

    This SessionVar holds formatting data for error notices so that the AJAX and static notice renderers use the same formatting.

  18. object MsgsNoticeMeta extends SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]]

    This SessionVar holds formatting data for notice notices so that the AJAX and static notice renderers use the same formatting.

  19. object MsgsWarningMeta extends SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]]

    This SessionVar holds formatting data for warning notices so that the AJAX and static notice renderers use the same formatting.

  20. object ShowAll extends RequestVar[Boolean]

    This SessionVar records whether to show id-based messages in addition to non-id messages.

  21. object SkipDocType extends DispatchSnippet

  22. object Surround extends DispatchSnippet

  23. object Tail extends DispatchSnippet

  24. object TestCond extends DispatchSnippet

    Use this builtin snippet to either show or hide some html based on the user being logged in or not.

  25. object VersionInfo extends DispatchSnippet

  26. object WithParam extends DispatchSnippet

    Evaluates the body and stores it in the WithParam RequestVar map.

  27. object WithParamVar extends RequestVar[Map[String, NodeSeq]]

  28. object WithResourceId extends DispatchSnippet

    Adds a resource id entity for each URI in order to control browser caching.

  29. object XmlGroup extends DispatchSnippet
