Class ZipFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class ZipFile
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    Base class to handle zip files. Some of the operations supported in this class are:
    • Create Zip File
    • Add files to zip file
    • Add folder to zip file
    • Extract files from zip files
    • Remove files from zip file
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(String zipFile)
        Creates a new ZipFile instance with the zip file at the location specified in zipFile. This constructor does not yet create a zip file if it does not exist. Creation happens when adding files to this ZipFile instance
        zipFile -
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(String zipFile,
                       char[] password)
        Creates a new ZipFile instance with the zip file at the location specified in zipFile. Input password will be used for any zip operations like adding files or extracting files. This constructor does not yet create a zip file if it does not exist. Creation happens when adding files to this ZipFile instance
        zipFile -
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(File zipFile)
        Creates a new Zip File Object with the input file. If the zip file does not exist, it is not created at this point.
        zipFile - file reference to the zip file
        IllegalArgumentException - when zip file parameter is null
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(File zipFile,
                       char[] password)
        Creates a new Zip File Object with the input file. If the zip file does not exist, it is not created at this point.
        zipFile - file reference to the zip file
        password - password to use for the zip file
        IllegalArgumentException - when zip file parameter is null
    • Method Detail

      • createSplitZipFile

        public void createSplitZipFile​(List<File> filesToAdd,
                                       ZipParameters parameters,
                                       boolean splitArchive,
                                       long splitLength)
                                throws ZipException
        Creates a zip file and adds the list of source file(s) to the zip file. If the zip file exists then this method throws an exception. Parameters such as compression type, etc can be set in the input parameters. While the method addFile/addFiles also creates the zip file if it does not exist, the main functionality of this method is to create a split zip file. To create a split zip file, set the splitArchive parameter to true with a valid splitLength. Split Length has to be more than 65536 bytes
        filesToAdd - - File to be added to the zip file
        parameters - - zip parameters for this file list
        splitArchive - - if archive has to be split or not
        splitLength - - if archive has to be split, then length in bytes at which it has to be split
      • createSplitZipFileFromFolder

        public void createSplitZipFileFromFolder​(File folderToAdd,
                                                 ZipParameters parameters,
                                                 boolean splitArchive,
                                                 long splitLength)
                                          throws ZipException
        Creates a zip file and adds the files/folders from the specified folder to the zip file. This method does the same functionality as in addFolder method except that this method can also create split zip files when adding a folder. To create a split zip file, set the splitArchive parameter to true and specify the splitLength. Split length has to be more than or equal to 65536 bytes. Note that this method throws an exception if the zip file already exists.
        folderToAdd -
        parameters -
        splitArchive -
        splitLength -
      • addFile

        public void addFile​(String fileToAdd)
                     throws ZipException
        Adds input source file to the zip file with default zip parameters. If zip file does not exist, this method creates a new zip file.
        fileToAdd - - File with path to be added to the zip file
      • addFile

        public void addFile​(String fileToAdd,
                            ZipParameters zipParameters)
                     throws ZipException
        Adds input source file to the zip file with provided zip parameters. If zip file does not exist, this method creates a new zip file.
        fileToAdd - - File with path to be added to the zip file
        zipParameters - - parameters for the entry to be added to zip
      • addFile

        public void addFile​(File fileToAdd)
                     throws ZipException
        Adds input source file to the zip file with default zip parameters. If zip file does not exist, this method creates a new zip file.
        fileToAdd - - File to be added to the zip file
      • addFile

        public void addFile​(File fileToAdd,
                            ZipParameters parameters)
                     throws ZipException
        Adds input source file to the zip file. If zip file does not exist, this method creates a new zip file. Parameters such as compression type, etc can be set in the input parameters.
        fileToAdd - - File to be added to the zip file
        parameters - - zip parameters for this file
      • addFiles

        public void addFiles​(List<File> filesToAdd)
                      throws ZipException
        Adds the list of input files to the zip file with default zip parameters. If zip file does not exist, this method creates a new zip file.
        filesToAdd -
      • addFiles

        public void addFiles​(List<File> filesToAdd,
                             ZipParameters parameters)
                      throws ZipException
        Adds the list of input files to the zip file. If zip file does not exist, then this method creates a new zip file. Parameters such as compression type, etc can be set in the input parameters.
        filesToAdd -
        parameters -
      • addFolder

        public void addFolder​(File folderToAdd)
                       throws ZipException
        Adds the folder in the given file object to the zip file with default zip parameters. If zip file does not exist, then a new zip file is created. If input folder is invalid then an exception is thrown.
        folderToAdd -
      • addFolder

        public void addFolder​(File folderToAdd,
                              ZipParameters zipParameters)
                       throws ZipException
        Adds the folder in the given file object to the zip file. If zip file does not exist, then a new zip file is created. If input folder is invalid then an exception is thrown. Zip parameters for the files in the folder to be added can be set in the input parameters
        folderToAdd -
        zipParameters -
      • addStream

        public void addStream​(InputStream inputStream,
                              ZipParameters parameters)
                       throws ZipException
        Creates a new entry in the zip file and adds the content of the input stream to the zip file. ZipParameters.isSourceExternalStream and ZipParameters.fileNameInZip have to be set before in the input parameters. If the file name ends with / or \, this method treats the content as a directory. Setting the flag ProgressMonitor.setRunInThread to true will have no effect for this method and hence this method cannot be used to add content to zip in thread mode
        inputStream -
        parameters -
      • extractAll

        public void extractAll​(String destinationPath)
                        throws ZipException
        Extracts all the files in the given zip file to the input destination path. If zip file does not exist or destination path is invalid then an exception is thrown.
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractAll

        public void extractAll​(String destinationPath,
                               UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
                        throws ZipException
        Extracts all entries in the zip file to the destination path considering the options defined in UnzipParameters
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        unzipParameters - parameters to be considered during extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(FileHeader fileHeader,
                                String destinationPath)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. If destination path is invalid, then this method throws an exception.

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory
        fileHeader - file header corresponding to the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(FileHeader fileHeader,
                                String destinationPath,
                                UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. If destination path is invalid, then this method throws an exception.

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory
        fileHeader - file header corresponding to the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        unzipParameters - any parameters that have to be considered during extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(FileHeader fileHeader,
                                String destinationPath,
                                String newFileName,
                                UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. If destination path is invalid, then this method throws an exception.

        If newFileName is not null or empty, newly created file name will be replaced by the value in newFileName. If this value is null, then the file name will be the value in FileHeader.getFileName. If file being extract is a directory, the directory name will be replaced with the newFileName

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory.

        Any parameters that have to be considered during extraction can be passed in through unzipParameters
        fileHeader - file header corresponding to the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        newFileName - if not null, this will be the name given to the file upon extraction
        unzipParameters - any parameters that have to be considered during extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(String fileName,
                                String destinationPath)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. This method first finds the necessary file header from the input file name.

        File name is relative file name in the zip file. For example if a zip file contains a file "a.txt", then to extract this file, input file name has to be "a.txt". Another example is if there is a file "b.txt" in a folder "abc" in the zip file, then the input file name has to be abc/b.txt

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory.

        Throws an exception of type ZipException.Type.FILE_NOT_FOUND if file header could not be found for the given file name. Throws an exception if the destination path is invalid.
        fileName - name of the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(String fileName,
                                String destinationPath,
                                UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. This method first finds the necessary file header from the input file name.

        File name is relative file name in the zip file. For example if a zip file contains a file "a.txt", then to extract this file, input file name has to be "a.txt". Another example is if there is a file "b.txt" in a folder "abc" in the zip file, then the input file name has to be abc/b.txt

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory.

        Any parameters that have to be considered during extraction can be passed in through unzipParameters

        Throws an exception of type ZipException.Type.FILE_NOT_FOUND if file header could not be found for the given file name. Throws an exception if the destination path is invalid.
        fileName - name of the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        unzipParameters - any parameters that have to be considered during extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(String fileName,
                                String destinationPath,
                                String newFileName)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. This method first finds the necessary file header from the input file name.

        File name is relative file name in the zip file. For example if a zip file contains a file "a.txt", then to extract this file, input file name has to be "a.txt". Another example is if there is a file "b.txt" in a folder "abc" in the zip file, then the input file name has to be abc/b.txt

        If newFileName is not null or empty, newly created file name will be replaced by the value in newFileName. If this value is null, then the file name will be the value in FileHeader.getFileName. If file being extract is a directory, the directory name will be replaced with the newFileName

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory.

        Throws an exception of type ZipException.Type.FILE_NOT_FOUND if file header could not be found for the given file name. Throws an exception if the destination path is invalid.
        fileName - name of the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        newFileName - if not null, this will be the name given to the file upon extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(FileHeader fileHeader,
                                String destinationPath,
                                String newFileName)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. If destination path is invalid, then this method throws an exception.

        If newFileName is not null or empty, newly created file name will be replaced by the value in newFileName. If this value is null, then the file name will be the value in FileHeader.getFileName. If file being extract is a directory, the directory name will be replaced with the newFileName

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory.
        fileHeader - file header corresponding to the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        newFileName - if not null, this will be the name given to the file upon extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • extractFile

        public void extractFile​(String fileName,
                                String destinationPath,
                                String newFileName,
                                UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
                         throws ZipException
        Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path. This method first finds the necessary file header from the input file name.

        File name is relative file name in the zip file. For example if a zip file contains a file "a.txt", then to extract this file, input file name has to be "a.txt". Another example is if there is a file "b.txt" in a folder "abc" in the zip file, then the input file name has to be abc/b.txt

        If newFileName is not null or empty, newly created file name will be replaced by the value in newFileName. If this value is null, then the file name will be the value in FileHeader.getFileName. If file being extract is a directory, the directory name will be replaced with the newFileName

        If fileHeader is a directory, this method extracts all files under this directory.

        Any parameters that have to be considered during extraction can be passed in through unzipParameters

        Throws an exception of type ZipException.Type.FILE_NOT_FOUND if file header could not be found for the given file name. Throws an exception if the destination path is invalid.
        fileName - name of the entry which has to be extracted
        destinationPath - path to which the entries of the zip are to be extracted
        newFileName - if not null, this will be the name given to the file upon extraction
        unzipParameters - any parameters that have to be considered during extraction
        ZipException - when an issue occurs during extraction
      • getFileHeaders

        public List<FileHeader> getFileHeaders()
                                        throws ZipException
        Returns the list of file headers in the zip file. Returns an empty list if the zip file does not exist.
        list of file headers
      • getFileHeader

        public FileHeader getFileHeader​(String fileName)
                                 throws ZipException
        Returns FileHeader if a file header with the given fileHeader string exists in the zip model: If not returns null
        fileName -
      • isEncrypted

        public boolean isEncrypted()
                            throws ZipException
        Checks to see if the zip file is encrypted
        true if encrypted, false if not
      • isSplitArchive

        public boolean isSplitArchive()
                               throws ZipException
        Checks if the zip file is a split archive
        true if split archive, false if not
      • removeFile

        public void removeFile​(FileHeader fileHeader)
                        throws ZipException
        Removes the file provided in the input file header from the zip file. If zip file is a split zip file, then this method throws an exception as zip specification does not allow for updating split zip archives. If this file header is a directory, all files and directories under this directory will be removed as well.
        fileHeader -
      • removeFile

        public void removeFile​(String fileName)
                        throws ZipException
        Removes the file provided in the input parameters from the zip file. This method first finds the file header and then removes the file. If file does not exist, then this method throws an exception. If zip file is a split zip file, then this method throws an exception as zip specification does not allow for updating split zip archives. If the entry representing this file name is a directory, all files and directories under this directory will be removed as well.
        fileName -
      • removeFiles

        public void removeFiles​(List<String> fileNames)
                         throws ZipException
        Removes all files from the zip file that match the names in the input list. If any of the file is a directory, all the files and directories under this directory will be removed as well If zip file is a split zip file, then this method throws an exception as zip specification does not allow for updating split zip archives.
        fileNames -
      • renameFile

        public void renameFile​(FileHeader fileHeader,
                               String newFileName)
                        throws ZipException
        Renames file name of the entry represented by file header. If the file name in the input file header does not match any entry in the zip file, the zip file will not be modified. If the file header is a folder in the zip file, all sub-files and sub-folders in the zip file will also be renamed. Zip file format does not allow modifying a split zip file. Therefore if the zip file being dealt with is a split zip file, this method throws an exception
        fileHeader - file header to be changed
        newFileName - the file name that has to be changed to
        ZipException - if fileHeader is null or newFileName is null or empty or if the zip file is a split file
      • renameFile

        public void renameFile​(String fileNameToRename,
                               String newFileName)
                        throws ZipException
        Renames file name of the entry represented by input fileNameToRename. If there is no entry in the zip file matching the file name as in fileNameToRename, the zip file will not be modified. If the entry with fileNameToRename is a folder in the zip file, all sub-files and sub-folders in the zip file will also be renamed. For a folder, the fileNameToRename has to end with zip file separator "/". For example, if a folder name "some-folder-name" has to be modified to "new-folder-name", then value of fileNameToRename should be "some-folder-name/". If newFileName does not end with a separator, zip4j will add a separator. Zip file format does not allow modifying a split zip file. Therefore if the zip file being dealt with is a split zip file, this method throws an exception
        fileNameToRename - file name in the zip that has to be renamed
        newFileName - the file name that has to be changed to
        ZipException - if fileNameToRename is empty or newFileName is empty or if the zip file is a split file
      • renameFiles

        public void renameFiles​(Map<String,​String> fileNamesMap)
                         throws ZipException
        Renames all the entries in the zip file that match the keys in the map to their corresponding values in the map. If there are no entries matching any of the keys from the map, the zip file is not modified. If any of the entry in the map represents a folder, all files and folders will be renamed so that their parent represents the renamed folder. Zip file format does not allow modifying a split zip file. Therefore if the zip file being dealt with is a split zip file, this method throws an exception
        fileNamesMap - map of file names that have to be changed with values in the map being the name to be changed to
        ZipException - if map is null or if the zip file is a split file
      • mergeSplitFiles

        public void mergeSplitFiles​(File outputZipFile)
                             throws ZipException
        Merges split zip files into a single zip file without the need to extract the files in the archive
        outputZipFile -
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(String comment)
                        throws ZipException
        Sets comment for the Zip file
        comment -
      • getInputStream

        public ZipInputStream getInputStream​(FileHeader fileHeader)
                                      throws IOException
        Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the Zip file corresponding to the input FileHeader. Throws an exception if the FileHeader does not exist in the ZipFile
        fileHeader -
      • isValidZipFile

        public boolean isValidZipFile()
        Checks to see if the input zip file is a valid zip file. This method will try to read zip headers. If headers are read successfully, this method returns true else false. Since v2.7.0: if the zip file is a split zip file, this method also checks to see if all the split files of the zip exists.
        boolean - true if a valid zip file, i.e, zip4j is able to read the zip headers, and in case of a split zip file, all split files of the zip exists; false otherwise
      • getSplitZipFiles

        public List<File> getSplitZipFiles()
                                    throws ZipException
        Returns the full file path+names of all split zip files in an ArrayList. For example: If a split zip file( has a 10 split parts this method returns an array list with path + "abc.z01", path + "abc.z02", etc. Returns null if the zip file does not exist
        List of Split zip Files
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Closes any open streams that were open by an instance of this class.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        IOException - when the underlying input stream throws an exception when trying to close it
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(char[] password)
        Sets a password to be used for the zip file. Will override if a password supplied via ZipFile constructor
        password - - char array of the password to be used
      • getBufferSize

        public int getBufferSize()
        Returns the size of the buffer used to read streams
        size of the buffer used to read streams
      • setBufferSize

        public void setBufferSize​(int bufferSize)
        Sets the size of buffer that should be used when reading streams. This size cannot be less than the value defined in InternalZipConstants.MIN_BUFF_SIZE
        bufferSize - size of the buffer that should be used when reading streams
        IllegalArgumentException - if bufferSize is less than value configured in InternalZipConstants.MIN_BUFF_SIZE
      • isRunInThread

        public boolean isRunInThread()
      • setRunInThread

        public void setRunInThread​(boolean runInThread)
      • getFile

        public File getFile()
      • getCharset

        public Charset getCharset()
        Returns user defined charset that was set by setCharset() method. If no charset was explicitly defined (by calling setCharset()), this method returns the default charset which zip4j uses, which is utf-8.
        user-defined charset or utf-8 if no charset explicitly set
      • setCharset

        public void setCharset​(Charset charset)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
        Sets the charset to be used for encoding file names and comments
        charset - charset to use to encode file names and comments
        IllegalArgumentException - if charset is null
      • setThreadFactory

        public void setThreadFactory​(ThreadFactory threadFactory)
      • isUseUtf8CharsetForPasswords

        public boolean isUseUtf8CharsetForPasswords()
      • setUseUtf8CharsetForPasswords

        public void setUseUtf8CharsetForPasswords​(boolean useUtf8CharsetForPasswords)