Class DelegateDestinationConnectionStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContextAware, LifeCycle, DestinationConnectionStrategy

public class DelegateDestinationConnectionStrategy extends ContextAwareBase implements DestinationConnectionStrategy, LifeCycle
A convenience class to make setting a DestinationConnectionStrategy cleaner in logback's xml configuration when using the strategies provided by logstash-logback-encoder.

For example, instead of: <appender name="tcp" class="net.logstash.logback.appender.LogstashTcpSocketAppender"> <connectionStrategy class="net.logstash.logback.appender.destination.RoundRobinDestinationConnectionStrategy"> <connectionTTL>10 minutes</connectionTTL> </connectionStrategy> you can use: <appender name="tcp" class="net.logstash.logback.appender.LogstashTcpSocketAppender"> <connectionStrategy> <roundRobin> <connectionTTL>10 minutes</connectionTTL> </roundRobin> </connectionStrategy>

  • Constructor Details

    • DelegateDestinationConnectionStrategy

      public DelegateDestinationConnectionStrategy()
  • Method Details

    • selectNextDestinationIndex

      public int selectNextDestinationIndex(int previousDestinationIndex, int numDestinations)
      Description copied from interface: DestinationConnectionStrategy
      Returns the index of the destination to which to connect next.
      Specified by:
      selectNextDestinationIndex in interface DestinationConnectionStrategy
      previousDestinationIndex - The previous destination index to which a connection was attempted (either success or failure)
      numDestinations - The total number of destinations available.
      the index of the destination to which to connect next.
    • connectSuccess

      public void connectSuccess(long connectionStartTimeInMillis, int connectedDestinationIndex, int numDestinations)
      Description copied from interface: DestinationConnectionStrategy
      Called when a connection was successful to the given connectedDestinationIndex.
      Specified by:
      connectSuccess in interface DestinationConnectionStrategy
      connectionStartTimeInMillis - The time in millis at which the connection was initiated (not completed).
      connectedDestinationIndex - The index of the destination which was successfully connected.
      numDestinations - The total number of destinations available.
    • connectFailed

      public void connectFailed(long connectionStartTimeInMillis, int failedDestinationIndex, int numDestinations)
      Description copied from interface: DestinationConnectionStrategy
      Called when a connection fails to the given failedDestinationIndex.
      Specified by:
      connectFailed in interface DestinationConnectionStrategy
      connectionStartTimeInMillis - The time in millis at which the connection was initiated (not completed).
      failedDestinationIndex - The index of the destination which failed to connect.
      numDestinations - The total number of destinations available.
    • shouldReconnect

      public boolean shouldReconnect(long currentTimeInMillis, int currentDestinationIndex, int numDestinations)
      Description copied from interface: DestinationConnectionStrategy
      Returns whether the connection should be reestablished.
      Specified by:
      shouldReconnect in interface DestinationConnectionStrategy
      currentTimeInMillis - The time in millis for which to reevaluate whether the connection should be reestablished.
      currentDestinationIndex - The index of the destination which is currently connected
      numDestinations - The total number of destinations available.
      true if the connection should be reestablished (to the destination returned by the next call to DestinationConnectionStrategy.selectNextDestinationIndex(int, int), false otherwise.
    • start

      public void start()
      Specified by:
      start in interface LifeCycle
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Specified by:
      stop in interface LifeCycle
    • isStarted

      public boolean isStarted()
      Specified by:
      isStarted in interface LifeCycle
    • setPreferPrimary

      public void setPreferPrimary(PreferPrimaryDestinationConnectionStrategy strategy)
    • setRandom

      public void setRandom(RandomDestinationConnectionStrategy strategy)
    • setRoundRobin

      public void setRoundRobin(RoundRobinDestinationConnectionStrategy strategy)