Interface JsonGeneratorDecorator

All Known Implementing Classes:
CborFeatureJsonGeneratorDecorator, CompositeJsonGeneratorDecorator, FeatureJsonGeneratorDecorator, MaskingJsonGeneratorDecorator, NullJsonGeneratorDecorator, PrettyPrintingJsonGeneratorDecorator, SmileFeatureJsonGeneratorDecorator, YamlFeatureJsonGeneratorDecorator

public interface JsonGeneratorDecorator
Decorates the JsonGenerator used for serializing json.

Allows you to customize the JsonGenerator.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Decorates the given generator, and returns the decorated generator.
  • Method Details

    • decorate

      JsonGenerator decorate(JsonGenerator generator)
      Decorates the given generator, and returns the decorated generator.

      The returned decorator does not need to be the same object as the given generator.

      generator - the generator to decorate
      the decorated generator