
Class CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    This plugin will create the phg_postgres docker if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, the plugin returns with a message indicating so. WHy don't we delete existing images, then create a new image? Multiple reasons: 1. Because the phg_postgres Dockerfile does little more then run a specific postgres docker (with possible extensions to add users), the docker entry point is the postgres docker entry point. 2. Because of 1, any containers run against phg_postgres are actually associated with the official postgres docker image (you will see it if you run "docker images" ) 3. Because of 2, any real delete must involve deleting the postgres docker. 4. Deleting the postgres docker will fail if it has containers against it. Only the user can determine if those containers need to remain, or can be cancelled. 5. If there are no containers against the postgres docker, there still could be other applications using the postgres image. Deleting it makes assumptions about the user system. We don't want to go there. Therefore, no attempt will be made to delete a phg_postgres docker if it already exists. Dec 20. 2019: This is deprecated as we no longer supported a phg_postgres docker. Users should pull whatever postgres docker image they want and run that using the files we created.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin

      • CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin

        CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin(Frame parentFrame)
      • CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin

        CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive)