
Class HapCountBestPathPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class HapCountBestPathPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin
    • Constructor Detail

      • HapCountBestPathPlugin

        HapCountBestPathPlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive)
    • Method Detail

      • writePathInformation

         void writePathInformation(String outFilename, List<HaplotypeNode> nodeList, HaplotypeGraph filteredGraph, Multimap<ReferenceRange, SingleHapMapping> readMap)

        Method is used to write diagnostic information about a path to a file. Information about each node on the path is written to a text file. Where a node in the path does not contain the target taxon, information is written for both that node and the node containing the target taxon from the same range.

      • minTaxaPerRange

         Integer minTaxaPerRange()

        minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.

      • minTaxaPerRange

         HapCountBestPathPlugin minTaxaPerRange(Integer value)

        Set Min Taxa. minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.

        value - Min Taxa
      • minReads

         Integer minReads()

        minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.

      • minReads

         HapCountBestPathPlugin minReads(Integer value)

        Set Min Reads. minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.

        value - Min Reads
      • maxNodesPerRange

         Integer maxNodesPerRange()

        maximum number of nodes per reference range. Ranges with more nodes will not be included in the output node list.

      • maxNodesPerRange

         HapCountBestPathPlugin maxNodesPerRange(Integer value)

        Set Max Nodes. maximum number of nodes per reference range. Ranges with more nodes will not be included in the output node list.

        value - Max Nodes
      • maxReadsPerKB

         Integer maxReadsPerKB()

        maximum number of include counts per anchor reference range. Ranges with more reads will not be included in the output node list.

      • maxReadsPerKB

         HapCountBestPathPlugin maxReadsPerKB(Integer value)

        Set Max Reads. maximum number of include counts per anchor reference range. Ranges with more reads will not be included in the output node list.

        value - Max Reads
      • taxaFilterString

         String taxaFilterString()

        A comma delimited list of taxa (no spaces allowed) to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.

      • taxaFilterString

         HapCountBestPathPlugin taxaFilterString(String value)

        Set Taxa. A comma delimited list of taxa (no spaces allowed) to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.

        value - Taxa
      • minTransitionProb

         Double minTransitionProb()

        minimum probability of a transition between nodes at adjacent reference ranges.

      • probReadMappedCorrectly

         Double probReadMappedCorrectly()

        minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.

      • probReadMappedCorrectly

         HapCountBestPathPlugin probReadMappedCorrectly(Double value)

        Set Prob Correct. minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.

        value - Prob Correct
      • inclusionFilename

         String inclusionFilename()

        The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.

      • targetTaxon

         String targetTaxon()

        The taxon that will be used to evaluate the node list returned.

      • refRangeFile

         String refRangeFile()

        The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.

      • splitTransitionProb

         Double splitTransitionProb()

        When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.

      • splitTransitionProb

         HapCountBestPathPlugin splitTransitionProb(Double value)

        Set Split Prob. When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.

        value - Split Prob
      • useBackwardForward

         Boolean useBackwardForward()

        Use the Backward-Forward algorithm instead of the Viterbi algorithm for the HMM.

      • minProbBF

         Double minProbBF()

        Only nodes with minP or greater probability will be kept in the path when using the Backward-Forward algorithm,

      • minProbBF

         HapCountBestPathPlugin minProbBF(Double value)

        Set Min P. Only nodes with minP or greater probability will be kept in the path when using the Backward-Forward algorithm,

        value - Min P
      • bfInfoFilename

         String bfInfoFilename()

        The name of the file to node probabilities from the backward-forward algorithm will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnostic information will not be reported. The target taxon name should be supplied as well.

      • bfInfoFilename

         HapCountBestPathPlugin bfInfoFilename(String value)

        Set Bf Info File. The name of the file to node probabilities from the backward-forward algorithm will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnostic information will not be reported. The target taxon name should be supplied as well.

        value - Bf Info File
      • haplotypeCountsId

         Integer haplotypeCountsId()

        DB assigned haplotype_counts_id from the haplotype_counts table. This is assigned programatically and only present when plugin is called from an internal method.

      • haplotypeCountsId

         HapCountBestPathPlugin haplotypeCountsId(Integer value)

        Set Hap Counts Id. DB assigned haplotype_counts_id from the haplotype_counts table. This is assigned programatically and only present when plugin is called from an internal method.

        value - Hap Counts Id
      • pathInfoFilename

         String pathInfoFilename()

        The name of the file to which detailed path diagnostic information will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnotic information will not be reported. The target taxon name must be supplied as well.

      • pathInfoFilename

         HapCountBestPathPlugin pathInfoFilename(String value)

        Set Path Info File. The name of the file to which detailed path diagnostic information will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnotic information will not be reported. The target taxon name must be supplied as well.

        value - Path Info File
      • graphExportBasename

         String graphExportBasename()

        The base name for R-igraph export files. If a value is supplied, vertices, edges, and a layout will be exported.

      • graphExportBasename

         HapCountBestPathPlugin graphExportBasename(String value)

        Set Graph Export. The base name for R-igraph export files. If a value is supplied, vertices, edges, and a layout will be exported.

        value - Graph Export
      • removeRangesWithEqualCounts

         Boolean removeRangesWithEqualCounts()

        Ranges with equal read counts for all haplotypes should be removed from the graph. Defaults to true but will be always be false if minReads = 0.

      • removeRangesWithEqualCounts

         HapCountBestPathPlugin removeRangesWithEqualCounts(Boolean value)

        Set Remove Equal. Ranges with equal read counts for all haplotypes should be removed from the graph. Defaults to true but will be always be false if minReads = 0.

        value - Remove Equal