
Class HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    This plugin processes haplotype node data either from of an inclusion file, or from PHG database tables. The HapCountBestPathPlugin is called to find the best path through the provided haplotype graph. The output will be either stored to the PHG db, printed to text files or both depending on the input type. Assumptions made by this software: 1. This method can determine paths from haplotype counts (perfect hits/exclusion) that are stored in the db's haplotype_counts table, or from haplotype counts (perfect hits/exclusion) pulled from an inclusion file If an inclusion file is present, its data is used. Otherwise the DB table is used. 2. When the DB is used to pull haplotype_counts data, any paths created will be stored in the DB. If an inclusion file is used, paths are NOT stored to the DB. This is because the paths table needs the haplotype_counts_id. When an inclusion file is used, the assumption is that these hapltoype counts are NOT stored in the DB. 3. The exported inclusion files (that are input to this Plugin) and the exported path files (created by this plugin) each contain "header" data needed to load their contents into the DB. These are the first lines in the file, and each begin with #. A separate plugin should be written to load these files to db if desired.