
Class PathToIgraphPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class PathToIgraphPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin
    • Constructor Detail

      • PathToIgraphPlugin

        PathToIgraphPlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive)
    • Method Detail

      • runPlugin

         void runPlugin(DataSet input)

        Convenience method to run plugin that returns nothing.

      • taxonName

         String taxonName()

        The name of the taxon for which the path is requested.

      • targetName

         String targetName()

        The name of the taxon to which the path will be compared.

      • pathName

         String pathName()

        The path method name assigned when the path was created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied.

      • pathName

         PathToIgraphPlugin pathName(String value)

        Set Path method name. The path method name assigned when the path was created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied.

        value - Path method name
      • countMethod

         String countMethod()

        The haplotype count method name assigned when the counts were created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied or if only one method was used to find a path for this taxon.

      • countMethod

         PathToIgraphPlugin countMethod(String value)

        Set Haplotype count method name. The haplotype count method name assigned when the counts were created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied or if only one method was used to find a path for this taxon.

        value - Haplotype count method name
      • fastqName

         String fastqName()

        The name of the fastq file used to create the path. This must be the name only, not the full path. Not required if the path and count data can be retrieved using other parameters.

      • fastqName

         PathToIgraphPlugin fastqName(String value)

        Set Fastq name. The name of the fastq file used to create the path. This must be the name only, not the full path. Not required if the path and count data can be retrieved using other parameters.

        value - Fastq name
      • splitTransitionProb

         Double splitTransitionProb()

        When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.

      • splitTransitionProb

         PathToIgraphPlugin splitTransitionProb(Double value)

        Set Split Prob. When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.

        value - Split Prob
      • taxaFilterString

         TaxaList taxaFilterString()

        A list of taxa to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.

      • taxaFilter

         PathToIgraphPlugin taxaFilter(TaxaList value)

        Set Taxa. A list of taxa to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.

        value - Taxa
      • refRangeFile

         String refRangeFile()

        The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.

      • outputBase

         String outputBase()

        base name for output files from this Plugin. Two files will be produced for each chromosome.

      • outputBase

         PathToIgraphPlugin outputBase(String value)

        Set Output file base. base name for output files from this Plugin. Two files will be produced for each chromosome.

        value - Output file base