
Class CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    The sequence for each chromosome in the genome fasta file will be split based on N's. Read until an N is encountered, write the sequence as its own contig in the contig fastq output file. Skip past the "N's", start the next contig. This algorithm is subject to change during pipeline testing. Each sequence idline will be >assemblyChrom:assemblyStart:assemblyEnd INPUT: 1. The assembly genome file to process OUTPUT: 1. The newly created fasta file of contigs.