
Class SyntenicAnchors

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SyntenicAnchors

    Class originally written by Baoxing Song for post-processing minimap2 alignments. It takes an input a file created by aligning with minimap2 and this command: /home/lcj34/minimap2/minimap2 -A 1 -B 1 -O 1 -E 1 -a -t 80 /workdir/lcj34/assemblies_by_chrom/p39/p39chr7.fa /workdir/lcj34/assemblies_by_chrom/b73/b73chr7anchors.fa >b37anchorsMap.sam The resulting .sam file (b37anchorsMap.sam in above query) is split to get 3 fields via grep: - refStart - asmStart - ms (DP score of the max scoring segment in the minimap alignment) longest path algorithm from here: The code currently has methods to run with mummer 4 coords file entries. The "score" from mummer alignments is (%id * alignment len)/100. Method getPairedSimilarFragmentsFromMummer() is written so this code may be applied to mummer4 alignment results. Similar methods may be added to create lists of PairedSimilarFragments from other aligners.