
Class HaplotypeNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • HaplotypeNode

        HaplotypeNode(HaplotypeSequence haplotypeSequence, TaxaList taxaList, int id, String asmContig, int asmStart, int asmEnd, String asmStrand, int genomeFileID, int gvcfFileID)
        haplotypeSequence - sequence
        taxaList - taxa list
        id - hapid from database
        asmContig - assembly contig / chromosome
        asmStart - assembly start coordinate
        asmEnd - assembly end coordinate
        genomeFileID - genome file ID
        gvcfFileID - gvcf file ID
      • HaplotypeNode

        HaplotypeNode(HaplotypeSequence haplotypeSequence, TaxaList taxaList, int id)
      • HaplotypeNode

        HaplotypeNode(HaplotypeSequence haplotypeSequence, TaxaList taxaList)
    • Method Detail

      • haplotypeSequence

         HaplotypeSequence haplotypeSequence()

        HaplotypeSequence object containing the nucleotide sequence and other sequence related information for a given HaplotypeNode object.

      • taxaList

         TaxaList taxaList()

        List of taxa used when the consensus sequence was created or a single taxon.

      • id

         int id()
      • referenceRange

         ReferenceRange referenceRange()

        Object containing the range of genomic coordinate values associated with a given HaplotypeNode and other details associated with that range of values. These values correspond to the reference genome being used (Generally B73 in Maize).

      • numTaxa

         int numTaxa()

        Number of taxa used when consensus sequence was created or one if this is an original sequence.

      • variantInfos

         Optional<List<HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo>> variantInfos()

        These correspond to the VariantContext but holds less information for memory efficiency. For reference blocks, isVariant will be false and refAllele may equal "REF" rather than the actual allele for the first base pair of the block. For that reason, converting VariantInfo to VariantContext will require a copy of the reference genome sequence to get the actual refAllele values.