
Class AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    This function is fairly obsolete. IT was used before the graph was able to take multiple methods as parameters. This class created to load a reference genome as an assembly. The method is hard-coded to "mummer4", which is the assembly method name at the time of this writing. All the variants are reference records. The addition of these haplotypes allows for pulling TODO: IT it is deemd this class is still useful, it should be updated to create a gvcf file as is done in LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin, store the gvcf file data to the genomeFileData table, and save the gvcfFileId to the anchorDataPHG object.