
Class AddRefRangeGroupPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    This class creates a user defined ref range group, adds it to the specified db, associates requested reference ranges with the new group. Input: 1. anchor bed file: Should be a subset of reference ranges currently existing in the DB. Format is tab-delimited file with columns: chr startpos endpos No header, positions are BED file formatted, ie 0-based, inclusive/exclusive 2. Name for the new method, which is the ref range group. 3. Method details: user description for method 4. Config file with db connection info Output: 1. Database tables "methods" and "ref_range_ref_range_method" are updated. Algorithm: 1. Read bed file into an object 2. Read all reference ranges from db 3. Verify all entries from the bed file exist in the reference_ranges table (throw exception if false) 4. Verify method name does not exist in methods table (throw exception if false) 5. Add method name to db. 6. Add specified reference ranges to the ref_range_ref_range_methods table with method_id = new method id.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AddRefRangeGroupPlugin

      • AddRefRangeGroupPlugin

        AddRefRangeGroupPlugin(Frame parentFrame)
      • AddRefRangeGroupPlugin

        AddRefRangeGroupPlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive)