
Class SplitFastaByChromPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class SplitFastaByChromPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    Splits fasta by chromosome. IT assumes the id line has a chromosome of the form >1, >chr1 or >chromosome1 ALl of the above forms (case insensitive) will be written with an id line of just the number, e.g. >1 or >2 The "name" parameter is used as the basis of the name. To this name will be appended the "chr" and chrom number and .fa. For example: If the user gives "w22" as the name, the code will write files: w22chr1.fa, w22chr2.fa, etc. The isGca parameter: The assemblies starting with GCA have long text in the idLIne, with the chromosome stuck in the middle. This plugin will correctly parse these lines. OTher weird id lines are not supported and may need to be corrected manually before running through this plugin. Seems each set of assemblies that arrives has a different signature for the idline. So I keep customizing. Consider this code to the "base" plugin. On each run, if the idlines don't adhere to chr/chromosome/X or GCA, then user should run an altered version of this, or fix the idlines first.