
Class VariantsProcessingUtils

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class VariantsProcessingUtils

    This class contains methods to aid in processing a VariantContext list into the PHG db variants, alleles, and haplotypes tables

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • createAlleleList

         static List<String> createAlleleList(VariantContext vc)

        createALleleList returns an array list containing just the ref allele string, if the VariantContext record is a ref record. Or both the ref allele and first alt allele, if the VariantContext record is a variant record. THis method does not check if the allele exists. The returned list is ALL alleles - this assumes they will be added via an INSERT/IGNORE db command.

      • getVariantData

         static Tuple<String, VariantMappingData> getVariantData(String chrom, Map<String, Integer> alleleHashMap, HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo vi, Connection dbConn)

        Method will return a Tuple of the hash of (chrom, start_position, refAlleleID, altAlleleID) and a VariantMappingData record The alleleHashMap should contain the initial alleles pre-populated. If the alleleId cannot be found from this hash map, the db will be queried. Generally 2/3 of all alleles will be found on the hashmap.

      • getLongFromVMData

         static long getLongFromVMData(int vmID, VariantMappingData vmd)

        Takes an ID and a VariantMappingData object and creates a list of variant_ids with additional data.

      • getLongRefRecord

         static long getLongRefRecord(int refLen, int refDepth, int startPos)

        Takes a reference length, depth and start position on the chromosome. Returns an encode long holding this information. format: 1bit=ref | 2 bytes 7 bits = refLength | 1 bytes=refDepth | 4 bytes=position on chrom

      • getLongVariantRecord

         static long getLongVariantRecord(int vmID, int refDepth, int altDepth, byte isIndel, int otherData)

        Takes a variantMapping id, reference depth, alternate depth, indication as to if is an indel, and a dummy int Returns a long formatted with this data. format: 4 bytes= variant_mapping table id | 1 byte=refDepth | 1 byte=altDepth | 1 bytes=isIndel | 1 byte unused

      • findAlleleIDFromDB

         static int findAlleleIDFromDB(String allele, Connection dbConn)

        From an allele string, compute the hash value and search for a corresponding ID in the DB alleles table.