
Class ConsensusProcessingUtils

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConsensusProcessingUtils

    This class holds methods for processing consensus using the variants and alleles tables or data derived from them.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getLongFromRefAltData

         static long getLongFromRefAltData(RefAltData rad)

        RefAltData comes from processing the Longs stored for each haplotype. It is used for consensus processing. Different data is available than is with the VariantMappingData used for processing single haplotypes.

      • findTaxonRefCoverage

         static RefAltData findTaxonRefCoverage(Position startPos, int maxRefLen, TaxaList tList, Map<Taxon, RangeMap<Position, RefAltData>> taxonToPosDataMap, double maxError, double minTaxaCoverage)
      • encodeRefBlockToLong

         static Long encodeRefBlockToLong(int refLength, int refDepth, int pos)

        Encode a reference block to a Long

        refLength - length of the reference block
        refDepth - readDepth in the reference block.
        pos - the start position of the block on a chromosome
      • encodeVariantToLong

         static Long encodeVariantToLong(int variantId, int refDepth, int altDepth, boolean isIndel)

        Encode variant information as a Long

        refDepth - read depth of the reference allele.
        altDepth - read depth of the alt allele.
        isIndel - true if the variant is an indel, false otherwise.
      • areGraphTaxaInRankingMap

         static boolean areGraphTaxaInRankingMap(HaplotypeGraph graph, Map<String, Double> rankingMap)

        Method to verify that the taxa in the graph are in the ranking file. We can have more taxon in the ranking file than in the graph, but not the other way around.

      • areRankingsUnique

         static boolean areRankingsUnique(Map<String, Double> rankingMap)

        Method to verify that rankings are unique. This is used to throw a Warning message in the Assembly consensus.

      • createDistanceMatrix

         static DistanceMatrix createDistanceMatrix(int ntaxa, Chromosome chr, ReferenceRange currentRefRange, TaxaList taxaWithInfo, Map<Taxon, RangeMap<Integer, HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo>> taxonToVariantInfoMap)

        Function to create a disntance matrix given a set of variants for a single reference range. This will ignore Ns and indels Distance is #SNPs/(#SNPs + #RefPos)

      • setNsToMax

         static DistanceMatrix setNsToMax(DistanceMatrix originalDM)

        Function to create a new DistanceMatrix setting NaNs to the maximum value in both its row and column.

      • maxDistance

         static float maxDistance(DistanceMatrix matrix, int row, int col)

        Function to figure out what the maximum row and col distance are for a given position in the oringinal distance Matrix.