
Class RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Runnable , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Plugin , net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginListener , net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener

    public class RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
    extends AbstractPlugin

    NOTE: this method created to aid Dan Ilut. It is not official part of Assembly pipeline This method is old, obsolete and only works with sqlite3 dbs This method takes a sorted/indexed BAM File or a SAM file. It uses htsjdk to read the BAM file and find locations of the assembly contigs in the reference genome. These locations are then mapped to genome_intervals (anchors or inter-anchors) in the db.. Genome Interval identification is based on the mid-point of the reference range where the contig maps. Use htsjdk to get the start/end of alignment from SamRecord, find the midpoint of this alignment, search the ReferenceRanges from the db to find the range (ie genome interval) where this read falls. Output: A tab delimited file with the headings: ContigNam GenomeIntervalRange GenomeIntervalId IsAnchor The file name is the BAM/SAM file name minus the extension, plus "_intervalMapping.txt", written to the specified user directory. For example: outputDir = /workdir/lcj34/danOutput/ BAM file = /workdir/lcj34/bamFiles/w22B73Asm10.bam output File from this plugin: /workdir/lcj34/danOutput/w22B73Asm10_intervalMapping.txt