Class Embedding

  • public class Embedding
    extends Object
    Damian Szczepanik (damianszczepanik@github)
    • Method Detail

      • getMimeType

        public String getMimeType()
      • getData

        public String getData()
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getDecodedData

        public String getDecodedData()
      • getFileName

        public String getFileName()
      • getFileId

        public String getFileId()
        Returns unique file ID.
        ID of the file
      • getExtension

        public String getExtension()
        Returns the file extension of this embedding (attachment). In case the {embedding's MIME-type is well-known, the according file extension is returned immediately. In case the MIME-type is unknown, as a first try the embedding's name will be used in order to derive a file extension. If the name contains a file name delimiter (i.e., "."), the following characters are used as the file extension as long as they match "[a-z0-9]+". As a second try, the MIME-type's subtype will be used in order to derive a file extension (as long as such subtype is given). Similar, the subtype is used as the file extension as long as it matches "[a-z0-9]+". Finally (if neither a file extension is known nor can be derived), the value "unknown" will be returned.
        the file extension of this embedding (attachment)