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added(JsonValue, Features) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-added.
addNotDeleted(Bson) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Add the criterion that the aggregate must not be marked as deleted, which means the field _deleted is either absent or false.
adminConfig(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns a new config with only admin properties.
app - Variable in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href


changed(JsonValue, Features) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-changed.
Configuration - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
Some configuration utilities.
createReliableProducer(Map<String, Object>, Serializer<K>, Serializer<V>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
This creates a fail fast Kafka producer that demands full acknowledgement of sent messages.


DbContext(MongoDatabase, ClientSession) - Constructor for class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo.DbContext


equals(Object) - Method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
events(String, String, String, Mongo.DbContext) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Returns the events of an aggregate instance in chronological order.
events(JsonObject, String, Mongo.DbContext) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Returns the events of an aggregate instance in chronological order, starting from the given snapshot.
eventToMongo(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Converts an event to a representation for MongoDB, where the _id field is a BSON document with the fields id and seq, in that order.


find(MongoDatabase, String) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-find.
findHref(Href, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Fetches the aggregate denoted by href.
findOne(MongoDatabase, String) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-findOne.
fromConfig(Config) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Flattens the tree under config so that the keys in the resulting map are dot-separated paths as Kafka expects it.
fromConfig(Config, String) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Gets the configuration object at path in config and flattens the tree under it so that the keys in the resulting map are dot-separated paths as Kafka expects it.
fromEnv() - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Reads environment variables that start with "KAFKA_" and creates a configuration with it.


hashCode() - Method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
href(JsonValue, Features) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-href.
Href - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
A utility to work with hrefs in aggregates.
Href(String) - Constructor for class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
Splits href in app, type and id.
Href(String, String) - Constructor for class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
If the type is not prefixed it will be prefixed with the value of app and a dash.
Href(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
If the type is not prefixed it will be prefixed with the value of app and a dash.


id - Variable in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
insert(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Inserts the collection with json.
insert(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase, ClientSession) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Inserts the collection with json.
insertJson(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Inserts json in the collection of which the name is <aggregate-type>-(event-|command-|-)<environment>.
insertJson(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase, ClientSession) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Inserts json in the collection of which the name is <aggregate-type>-(event-|command-|-)<environment>.
isHref(String) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href


Kafka - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
Some Kafka utilities.


loadDefault() - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Configuration
Tries to load the default configuration application.conf from the conf directory.


messageLag(String, Admin) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns all the message lags for the given topic.
messageLag(String, Admin, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns all the message lags for the given topic.
messageLag(Set<String>, Admin, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns all the message lags for the given topics.
messageLag(Admin) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns all the message lags for all the non-internal topics.
messageLag(Admin, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns all the message lags for all the non-internal topics.
Mongo - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
MongoDB utilities.
Mongo.DbContext - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
MongoExpressions - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
This is a set of MongoDB operator extensions.
mongoToEvent(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Converts a representation of an event for MongoDB, where the _id field is an object with the fields id and seq, to an event.


nameUUID(JsonValue, Features) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-name-uuid.
net.pincette.jes.util - module net.pincette.jes.util
net.pincette.jes.util - package net.pincette.jes.util
NOT_DELETED - Static variable in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo


operators(MongoDatabase, String) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
Returns the JES extension operators for the MongoDB aggregation expression language.


path() - Method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
Generates the path for the href, which has the form /<app>/<type>[/<id>.


reconstruct(String, String, String, Mongo.DbContext) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Reconstructs the latest version of an aggregate using its event log.
reconstruct(JsonObject, String, Mongo.DbContext) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Reconstructs the latest version of an aggregate using its event log, starting from the given snapshot.
reconstructionPublisher(Flow.Publisher<JsonObject>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Applies the published events one after the other and publishes the intermediate aggregate instances.
reconstructionPublisher(Flow.Publisher<JsonObject>, JsonObject) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Applies the published events one after the other and publishes the intermediate aggregate instances, starting from snapshot.
removed(JsonValue, Features) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-removed.
resolve(List<JsonObject>, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
This resolves all "href" fields in subobjects that contain only a "href" field.
resolve(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
This resolves all "href" fields in subobjects that contain only a "href" field.
restore(String, String, String, Mongo.DbContext, Mongo.DbContext) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Restores the latest version of an aggregate in the aggregate snapshot collection using its event log.
restore(JsonObject, String, Mongo.DbContext, Mongo.DbContext) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Restores the latest version of an aggregate in the aggregate snapshot collection using its event log.


send(KafkaProducer<K, V>, List<ProducerRecord<K, V>>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Sends a list of messages to Kafka asynchronously.
send(KafkaProducer<K, V>, ProducerRecord<K, V>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Sends a message to Kafka asynchronously.
setContextPath(String) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href
Sets the global context path, which will be prepended to the path.


toJson(Map<String, Map<TopicPartition, Long>>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Converts a message lag map to JSON.
toPartitions(Collection<TopicDescription>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Converts topic descriptions to topic partitions.
topicPartitions(String, Admin) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns the topic partitions of a topic.
topicPartitions(Set<String>, Admin) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns the topic partitions of a set of topics.
topicPartitions(Admin) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Kafka
Returns all non-internal topics.
type - Variable in class net.pincette.jes.util.Href


unresolve(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
This removes the additions made by the resolve method.
update(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Updates json in the collection of which the name is <aggregate-type>-(event-|command-|-)<environment>.
update(JsonObject, String, MongoDatabase, ClientSession) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Updates the collection with the same name as the aggregate type.
update(JsonObject, String, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Updates the collection with json.
update(JsonObject, String, String, MongoDatabase, ClientSession) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Updates the collection with json.
updateAggregate(MongoCollection<Document>, JsonObject, JsonObject) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
This updates an aggregate instance with the smallest number of changes using the operations in the event.
updateAggregate(MongoCollection<Document>, JsonObject, JsonObject, ClientSession) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
This updates an aggregate instance with the smallest number of changes using the operations in the event.
upgradeEventLog(String, String, MongoDatabase, LongConsumer) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Upgrades events to version 2.0.
uuid() - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.MongoExpressions
This extension is called $jes-uuid.


Validation - Class in net.pincette.jes.util
validator(String, Validator) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Validation
The validator is generated from source, which can be a filename or a string that starts with "resource:".
validator(Function<JsonObject, JsonArray>) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Validation
The validator can expect the _state field to be added to the command.


withResolver(Reducer, String, MongoDatabase) - Static method in class net.pincette.jes.util.Mongo
Wraps the reducer with a function that resolves the current state and unresolves the result.
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