
  • Class
    Accumulates a publisher and when that's done it calls the provided function.
    A processor which emits a given value after all incoming values have been emitted.
    This processor asks the upstream for more elements if it hasn't received any before the timeout, until the stream completes.
    Emits the values produced by the stages in the order the stages arrive.
    Emits the values produced by functions in the order the values arrive.
    Base84 processors.
    A processor which emits a given value before all incoming values have been emitted.
    With this class a publisher can be wrapped in a blocking iterable.
    Combines two processors as one.
    Buffers a number of values.
    Base class for buffered processors.
    Chains processors after the initial publisher.
    Exposes the combination of a subscriber and a publisher as one processor.
    When the down stream requests more messages this indicates all messages it has received were processed correctly.
    Concatenates multiple publishers of the same type to form one publisher that completes when the last given publisher completes.
    Delegates all operations to a given processor.
    A publisher that is fed by a deque.
    This buffered processor delegates the stateful encoding of the incoming value stream to an encoder.
    The interface for stateful encoders op value streams.
    A subscriber that accepts multiple subscribers to all of which it passes all events.
    Filters elements based on a predicate.
    Emits only the first value it receives.
    The processor emits the elements in the received publishers individually.
    The processor emits the elements in the received lists individually.
    A processor that doesn't emit the head of a stream, but instead gives it to a function.
    This is an input stream that can be used as a reactive streams subscriber.
    Provides constructors to which lambdas can be given.
    Emits the last value it receives and then completes the stream.
    Transforms a reactive stream.
    A publisher that emits everything that the given publishers emit.
    This is for emitters that can't be controlled in any way.
    Filters elements based on the negation opf a predicate.
    This is an output stream that can be used as a reactive streams publisher.
    A processor which just passes through all values.
    Buffers a number of values.
    Creates a pipeline of multiple processors.
    The processor lets all values through.
    A base class for reactive streams processors.
    Publishes the contents of a channel as ByteBuffers.
    Functions to reduce a publisher and return the result as a CompletionStage.
    A processor which emits a given value between the incoming value stream.
    This can be used to serialize the execution of mutating operations instead of locking the state within them.
    Emits a list of values.
    When the upstream or downstream could cause races, this processor serializes everything.
    Emits the values until it receives one that matches the predicate, which is also emitted.
    Some utilities.
    Consumes a reactive stream of ByteBuffer and writes it to a channel.