Interface RdfSourceFromResource

All Superinterfaces:
NodeTupleSource, RdfLikeSource, RdfSource
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RdfSourceFromResource extends RdfSource
Abstraction of a source of RDF. Provides methods to access the data as plain triples / quads or aggregates of subject-/graph-grouped models and datasets. Graph and DatasetGraph are not part of the interface because those would require additional kryo registrations which does not seem worth it. Note: Ideally the methods RdfSource.asModels() and RdfSource.asDatasets() should only aggregate consecutive triples / quads into such objects. This is the case with InputFormats based on RecordReaderGenericBase. However, several fallback implementations aggregate across the whole RDD which leads to somewhat inconsistent behavior. For this reason, the RdfSourceFactory should be extended with methods that provide more control over the semantics of implementations of this interface.
Claus Stadler
  • Method Details

    • getLang

      org.apache.jena.riot.Lang getLang()
      Get the language of the source; may have been probed for by an RdfSourceFactory
    • getComponentCount

      default int getComponentCount()
      Specified by:
      getComponentCount in interface NodeTupleSource