Class ProxyConfiguration.InterceptorDispatcher

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class ProxyConfiguration.InterceptorDispatcher
    extends Object
    A static interceptor that guards against method calls before the interceptor is set.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InterceptorDispatcher

        public InterceptorDispatcher()
    • Method Detail

      • intercept

        public static Object intercept​(@This
                                       Object instance,
                                       Method method,
                                       Object[] arguments,
                                       Object stubValue,
                                       Interceptor interceptor,
                                       Method zuperMethod)
                                throws Throwable
        Intercepts a method call to a proxy.
        instance - The proxied instance.
        method - The invoked method.
        arguments - The method arguments.
        stubValue - The intercepted method's default value.
        interceptor - The proxy object's interceptor instance.
        The intercepted method's return value.
        Throwable - If the intercepted method raises an exception.