Package net.serenitybdd.junit.runners
Serenity JUnit test runner and associated classes.
This is the heart of the Serenity JUnit integration.
runner reads the annotations in the test class, and manages the
WebDriver lifecycle, creating a WebDriver instance at the start
of the tests, and closing it at the end. It also coordinates
the creation of the test run model and the reporting.-
Interface Summary Interface Description FailureRerunner -
Class Summary Class Description DataDrivenAnnotations FailureDetectingStepListener FailureRerunnerXml ParameterizedJUnitStepListener ParameterizedTestsOutcomeAggregator QualifierFinder When running data-driven tests, each set of test data needs a way to distinguish it from the others.RerunnableClass SerenityParameterizedRunner Run a Serenity test suite using a set of data.SerenityRunner A test runner for WebDriver-based web tests.TestClassAnnotations Created by john on 4/02/2016.TestConfiguration TestConfiguration.TestConfigurationBuilder TestMethodAnnotations Utility class used to read Serenity annotations for a particular JUnit test.TestMethodConfiguration