All Classes and Interfaces

Indicates that data-driven tests can and should be run in parallel.
Returns all of the Thucydides classes under the specified package.
Returns all of the Thucydides classes under the specified package.
This is an INTERNAL helper class of serenity, it should not be used directly and may be subject to refactoring.
Intercepts JUnit events and reports them to Thucydides.
A centralized way to invoke a method on a parameter.
Returns all of the Thucydides classes under the specified package.
Used to mark a method as a qualifier in an instantiated data-driven test case.
When running data-driven tests, each set of test data needs a way to distinguish it from the others.
Run a Serenity test suite using a set of data.
A test runner for WebDriver-based web tests.
Created by john on 4/02/2016.
Annotation for a method which provides parameters to be injected into the test class constructor by Parameterized
The TestFinder class lets you find the Thucydides tests or test methods underneath a given package.
Utility class used to read Serenity annotations for a particular JUnit test.
Lets you to perform data-driven tests using CSV file in the specified location with the first row acting as header.