Package net.thucydides.junit.annotations

package net.thucydides.junit.annotations
Thucydides annotations are used to help Thucydides manage your web tests. The Managed annotation declares a WebDriver field so that it's lifecycle can be managed by the Thucydides test runner. other annotations are used to provide extra information for the test reports. The Title annotation can be used to override the default test case title (which is derived from the test case class name) into something more readable.
  • Annotation Types
    Indicates that data-driven tests can and should be run in parallel.
    Used to mark a method as a qualifier in an instantiated data-driven test case.
    Annotation for a method which provides parameters to be injected into the test class constructor by Parameterized
    Lets you to perform data-driven tests using CSV file in the specified location with the first row acting as header.