Class JUnitAdapter

  • public class JUnitAdapter
    extends Object
    This is an INTERNAL helper class of serenity, it should not be used directly and may be subject to refactoring.

    It serves to decouple serenity-model (and serenity-core) from JUnit. If JUnit is on the classpath, JUnit classes will be handled specifically. But serenity will continue to function without JUnit being on the classpath. Furthermore, users can choose between JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 or even use both together.

    Ideally this approach could be generalized to avoid any special treatment of JUnit as a test framework. Test-framework specific strategies could be registered from the framework-specific modules. That would allow to place the implementation of (and the tests for) the test-framework specific strategies into the modules that know about those frameworks and also have the necessary dependencies.

    But this would be a more extensive change, potentially breaking backwards compatibility. So for now this class does exactly only this: It provides an adapter for JUnit 4 and JUnit 5, and makes explicit the parts of the code where there has previously been a hard dependency on JUnit 4.

    As such it is self-contained and should be possible to be grasped rather easily. And it marks the starting point for a potential refactoring towards a more general approach.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JUnitAdapter

        public JUnitAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • isTestClass

        public static boolean isTestClass​(Class<?> testClass)
      • isTestMethod

        public static boolean isTestMethod​(Method method)
      • isTestSetupMethod

        public static boolean isTestSetupMethod​(Method method)
      • isSerenityTestCase

        public static boolean isSerenityTestCase​(Class<?> testClass)
      • isAssumptionViolatedException

        public static boolean isAssumptionViolatedException​(Throwable throwable)
      • isATaggableClass

        public static boolean isATaggableClass​(Class<?> testClass)
      • isIgnored

        public static boolean isIgnored​(Method method)