Interface AcceptanceTestReporter

All Known Implementing Classes:
JSONTestOutcomeReporter, XMLTestOutcomeReporter

public interface AcceptanceTestReporter
Generates a report based on a set of acceptance test results.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description generateReportFor​(TestOutcome testOutcome)
    Generate reports for a given acceptance test run.
    java.util.Optional<OutcomeFormat> getFormat()
    Return the format that this reporter generates, if it is a format that can be activated or deactivated via the output.formats configuration property.
    java.lang.String getName()
    A name used to identify a given reporter.
    void setOutputDirectory​( outputDirectory)
    Define the output directory in which the reports will be written.
    void setQualifier​(java.lang.String qualifier)
    void setResourceDirectory​(java.lang.String resourceDirectoryPath)
    Define or override the directory where report resources are stored.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      A name used to identify a given reporter.
    • getFormat

      java.util.Optional<OutcomeFormat> getFormat()
      Return the format that this reporter generates, if it is a format that can be activated or deactivated via the output.formats configuration property.
    • generateReportFor generateReportFor​(TestOutcome testOutcome) throws
      Generate reports for a given acceptance test run.
    • setOutputDirectory

      void setOutputDirectory​( outputDirectory)
      Define the output directory in which the reports will be written.
    • setResourceDirectory

      void setResourceDirectory​(java.lang.String resourceDirectoryPath)
      Define or override the directory where report resources are stored. This can be on the file system or on the classpath
    • setQualifier

      void setQualifier​(java.lang.String qualifier)
      Optional. Used to distinguish the report generated from other similar reports.