Package net.thucydides.model.domain

package net.thucydides.model.domain
The Thucydides domain model, which represents acceptance test runs. Thucydides is designed to make it easier to implement automated tests for web applications. In Thucydides, we implement tests to validate acceptance criteria. Each user story (use case/story card/...) should have a set of acceptance criteria that determine when the story is implemented. These acceptance criteria are automated by Webdriver-based tests, either using JUnit or easyb. In JUnit, a test case typically maps to a story card, though this is not a strict requirement. Using easyb, a test case maps to a story. Each acceptance criteria is automated by a unit test (JUnit) or a scenario (easyb). A given test is made up of test steps, which are executed in order, and can be organized and nested in test groups.