Class OnStage


public class OnStage
extends java.lang.Object
The stage is used to keep track of the actors taking part in a Screenplay test. It is useful if you don't keep track of the actors explicitly, but just refer to them by name, as is often done in Cucumber scenarios. Actors can be referred to by name (which must be unique for a given actor) or a pronoun. The default pronouns are "he","she","they" and "it", and they are used interchangeably - any pronoun will always refer to last named actor who performed some action. Pronouns can be configured using the screenplay.pronouns property, e.g.
         screenplay.pronouns = il,elle
The current stage is kept as a ThreadLocal object, so if you have multiple threads in the same Screenplay test, you need to propagate the stage to each new thread using the setTheStage() method.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Actor aNewActor()
    Create a new actor whose name is not yet known.
    static void drawTheCurtain()
    Perform any cleanup actions on each actor on the stage.
    static Stage setTheStage​(Cast cast)
    Set the stage before calling the actors
    static Stage setTheStage​(Stage stage)
    Set the stage to a specific stage object.
    static Stage stage()
    Get the current stage.
    static Actor theActor​(java.lang.String actorName)
    A shorter version of "theActorCalled()"
    static Actor theActorCalled​(java.lang.String requiredActor)
    Returns an actor with a given name, creating a new actor if the actor is not already on stage.
    static Actor theActorInTheSpotlight()
    The actor in the spotlight is the last actor on the stage who has performed any activity.
    static void withCurrentActor​(Performable... performTasks)
    A shorter version of "theActorInTheSpotlight().attemptsTo(...)"

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • OnStage

      public OnStage()
  • Method Details

    • setTheStage

      public static Stage setTheStage​(Cast cast)
      Set the stage before calling the actors
    • setTheStage

      public static Stage setTheStage​(Stage stage)
      Set the stage to a specific stage object. This is rarely needed but sometimes comes in handy when running tasks in parallel.
    • theActorCalled

      public static Actor theActorCalled​(java.lang.String requiredActor)
      Returns an actor with a given name, creating a new actor if the actor is not already on stage. If a pronoun is used (e.g "she creates a new account") then the current actor in the spotlight will be used.
    • aNewActor

      public static Actor aNewActor()
      Create a new actor whose name is not yet known. The next time the theActorCalled() method is used, this name will be assigned to this actor.
    • theActor

      public static Actor theActor​(java.lang.String actorName)
      A shorter version of "theActorCalled()"
    • theActorInTheSpotlight

      public static Actor theActorInTheSpotlight()
      The actor in the spotlight is the last actor on the stage who has performed any activity.
    • withCurrentActor

      public static void withCurrentActor​(Performable... performTasks)
      A shorter version of "theActorInTheSpotlight().attemptsTo(...)"
    • stage

      public static Stage stage()
      Get the current stage. Rarely needed for non-internal use, except when running tasks in parallel. In that case, you will need to call OnStage.setTheStage(stage) in each parallel thread if you use OnStage methods such as theActorInTheSpotlight()
    • drawTheCurtain

      public static void drawTheCurtain()
      Perform any cleanup actions on each actor on the stage. This calls the `wrapUp()` method if defined on each actor on the stage.