Interface JRXySeries

    • Method Detail

      • getSeriesExpression

        JRExpression getSeriesExpression()
        a java.lang.Comparable object that identifies a certain data series in the overall dataset. It can return different values, which will result in the dataset containing multiple series even when a single <xySeries> tag is used inside the <xyDataset> tag.
      • getXValueExpression

        JRExpression getXValueExpression()
        a numeric expression representing the X value from the (x, y) pair that will be added to the current data series.
      • getYValueExpression

        JRExpression getYValueExpression()
        a numeric expression representing the Y value from the (x, y) pair that will be added to the current data series.
      • getLabelExpression

        JRExpression getLabelExpression()
        the label expression. If present, it helps customize the item labels inside charts.
      • getItemHyperlink

        JRHyperlink getItemHyperlink()
        Returns the hyperlink specification for chart items.

        The hyperlink will be evaluated for every chart item and a image map will be created for the chart.

        hyperlink specification for chart items
      • getAutoSort

        Boolean getAutoSort()