Class JRDesignCrosstabDataset

    • Field Detail

      • dataPreSorted

        protected boolean dataPreSorted
    • Constructor Detail

      • JRDesignCrosstabDataset

        public JRDesignCrosstabDataset()
        Creates a crosstab dataset.
    • Method Detail

      • isDataPreSorted

        public boolean isDataPreSorted()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabDataset
        Returns whether the crosstab data is pre-sorted according to the crosstab's groups.

        The crosstab calculation engine can optimize the calculations if the data is sorted by the row groups and column groups. For example, if there are two row groups R1 and R2 (subgroup of R1) and three column groups C1, C2 and C3 the data should be sorted by R1, R2, C1, C2, C3.

        Specified by:
        isDataPreSorted in interface JRCrosstabDataset
        whether the crosstab data is pre-sorted
      • setDataPreSorted

        public void setDataPreSorted​(boolean dataPreSorted)
        Sets the presorted flag for the dataset.
        dataPreSorted - whether the input data is presorted
        See Also: