Interface JRPrintHyperlink

    • Field Detail


        static final String PROPERTY_IGNORE_HYPERLINK_SUFFIX
        Properties with this suffix are used to specify whether this hyperlink should be ignored at export time
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getHyperlinkTypeValue

        HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkTypeValue()
        Retrieves the hyperlink type for the element.

        The actual hyperlink type is determined by getLinkType(). This method can is used to determine whether the hyperlink type is one of the built-in types or a custom type. When hyperlink is of custom type, CUSTOM is returned.

        one of the hyperlink type constants
        See Also:
      • setHyperlinkType

        void setHyperlinkType​(HyperlinkTypeEnum hyperlinkType)
        Sets the link type as a built-in hyperlink type.
        hyperlinkType - the built-in hyperlink type
        See Also:
      • getHyperlinkReference

        String getHyperlinkReference()
      • setHyperlinkReference

        void setHyperlinkReference​(String hyperlinkReference)
      • getHyperlinkAnchor

        String getHyperlinkAnchor()
      • setHyperlinkAnchor

        void setHyperlinkAnchor​(String hyperlinkAnchor)
      • getHyperlinkPage

        Integer getHyperlinkPage()
      • setHyperlinkPage

        void setHyperlinkPage​(Integer hyperlinkPage)
      • getLinkType

        String getLinkType()
        Returns the hyperlink type.
        the hyperlink type
      • setLinkType

        void setLinkType​(String type)
        Sets the hyperlink type.

        The type can be one of the built-in types (Reference, LocalAnchor, LocalPage, RemoteAnchor, RemotePage), or can be an arbitrary type.

        type - the hyperlink type
      • setHyperlinkParameters

        void setHyperlinkParameters​(JRPrintHyperlinkParameters parameters)
        Sets the custom hyperlink parameters.

        These parameters will be used to produce the actual hyperlink when the report is exported.

        parameters - the set of custom hyperlink parameters
      • getHyperlinkTooltip

        String getHyperlinkTooltip()
        Returns the hyperlink tooltip.
        the hyperlink tooltip
      • setHyperlinkTooltip

        void setHyperlinkTooltip​(String tooltip)
        Sets the tooltip to be used for the hyperlink.
        tooltip - the tooltip
      • getLinkTarget

        String getLinkTarget()
        Returns the hyperlink target name.

        The target name can be one of the built-in names (Self, Blank, Top, Parent), or can be an arbitrary name.

        the hyperlink type
      • setLinkTarget

        void setLinkTarget​(String linkTarget)
        Sets the hyperlink target name.

        The target name can be one of the built-in names (Self, Blank, Top, Parent), or can be an arbitrary name.

        linkTarget - the hyperlink target name