Class JRDesignChartAxis

    • Constructor Detail

      • JRDesignChartAxis

        public JRDesignChartAxis​(JRDesignChart parentChart)
        Construct a new axis that will be added to the specified chart.
        parentChart - the chart that the axis will be added to
    • Method Detail

      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(AxisPositionEnum positionValue)
        Sets the position of this axis' value line relative to the multiple axis chart.
        positionValue - the position of this axis
      • setChart

        public void setChart​(JRDesignChart chart)
        Set the chart that contains the dataset and plot to use for this axis. The plot is used to figure out how to render the dataset (ie as a line or bar chart) when adding it to the multiple axis chart.
        chart - the chart that contains the dataset and plot for this axis