Class JRFillCrosstabGroup

    • Method Detail

      • getTotalPositionValue

        public CrosstabTotalPositionEnum getTotalPositionValue()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Returns the position of the total row/column for this group.

        A group can have a total row/column summing the values for all the entries in the group. E.g. if there is a Year group having Month as a subgroup, the total row/column for the Year group would sum the values for all the years and the total row/column for the Month group would sum the values for all the months of an year.

        Possible values for this attribute are:

        Specified by:
        getTotalPositionValue in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        the position of the total row/column for this group
      • hasTotal

        public boolean hasTotal()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Returns whether the group has a total row/column.

        This method is currently equivalent to getTotalPosition() != Bucket.TOTAL_POSITION_NONE and is therefore redundant.

        Specified by:
        hasTotal in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        whether the group has a total row/column
      • getBucket

        public JRCrosstabBucket getBucket()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Returns the bucketing information for this group.

        The bucketing information consists of grouping expression and group ordering.

        Specified by:
        getBucket in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        the bucketing information for this group
      • getHeader

        public JRCellContents getHeader()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Returns the group header cell.

        The size of the header cell is computed based on the following rules (only the row header rules are listed, the ones for columns can be deducted by symmetrical duality):

        • the width of the header is given by JRCrosstabRowGroup.getWidth()
        • the height of the last row group header is given by the height of the base cell
        • the height of a non-last row group header is the sum of the next group header's height and the next group total header's height (0 if the next group doesn't have a total header)

        Should never return null, but empty cell contents instead.

        Specified by:
        getHeader in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        the group header cell
      • getTotalHeader

        public JRCellContents getTotalHeader()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Returns the group total header cell.

        The size of a row group total header is computed based on the following rules:

        • the width is the sum the widths of this and subsequent row groups
        • the height is the height of the base cell for this total row

        Should never return null, but empty cell contents instead.

        Specified by:
        getTotalHeader in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        the group total header cell
      • getMergeHeaderCells

        public Boolean getMergeHeaderCells()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Determines whether the header cell of this group spans across all entries in the group, or whether the header cell repeats for each sub group entry.

        If the header cell is set to repeat, the sub group should not have a total row/column.

        By default the header cell spans across all entries that are part of the group.

        Specified by:
        getMergeHeaderCells in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        whether the header cell should span across entries in the group; if null the default will apply
      • getVariable

        public JRVariable getVariable()
        Description copied from interface: JRCrosstabGroup
        Returns the variable associated to this group.

        Each group in the crosstab has a variable that can be used inside the group header as the current group value. The variable has the same name as the group and the same type as the bucket expression of the group.

        Specified by:
        getVariable in interface JRCrosstabGroup
        the variable associated to this group