Class JRSwapFileVirtualizer

    • Constructor Detail

      • JRSwapFileVirtualizer

        public JRSwapFileVirtualizer​(int maxSize,
                                     JRSwapFile swap)
        Creates a virtualizer that uses a swap file.

        The virtualizer will be considered the owner of the swap file.

        maxSize - the maximum size (in JRVirtualizable objects) of the paged in cache.
        swap - the swap file to use for data virtualization
      • JRSwapFileVirtualizer

        public JRSwapFileVirtualizer​(int maxSize,
                                     JRSwapFile swap,
                                     boolean swapOwner)
        Creates a virtualizer that uses a swap file.
        maxSize - the maximum size (in JRVirtualizable objects) of the paged in cache.
        swap - the swap file to use for data virtualization
        swapOwner - whether the virtualizer is the owner (single user) of the swap file. If true, the virtualizer will dispose the swap file on cleanup.
      • JRSwapFileVirtualizer

        public JRSwapFileVirtualizer​(int maxSize,
                                     JRSwapFile swap,
                                     boolean swapOwner,
                                     StreamCompression compression)
        Creates a virtualizer that uses a swap file.
        maxSize - the maximum size (in JRVirtualizable objects) of the paged in cache.
        swap - the swap file to use for data virtualization
        swapOwner - whether the virtualizer is the owner (single user) of the swap file. If true, the virtualizer will dispose the swap file on cleanup.
        compression - stream compression to apply to serialized data