Class JSONEmitter

  • public class JSONEmitter
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class implements the back-end text generation of the JSON serialization method. It takes as input a sequence of event-based calls such as startArray, endArray, startMap, endMap, and generates the lexical JSON output.
    • Method Detail

      • setOutputProperties

        public void setOutputProperties​(java.util.Properties details)
        Set output properties
        details - the output serialization properties
      • getOutputProperties

        public java.util.Properties getOutputProperties()
        Get the output properties
        the properties that were set using setOutputProperties
      • setNormalizationForm

        public void setNormalizationForm​(java.text.Normalizer.Form form)
        Set the Unicode normalizer to be used for normalizing strings.
        form - the normalization form to be used (default is no normalization)
      • setCharacterMap

        public void setCharacterMap​(CharacterMap map)
        Set the CharacterMap to be used, if any
        map - the character map
      • writeKey

        public void writeKey​(java.lang.String key)
                      throws XPathException
        Output the key for an entry in a map. The corresponding value must be supplied in the following call.
        key - the value of the key, without any escaping of special characters
        XPathException - if any error occurs
      • writeAtomicValue

        public void writeAtomicValue​(AtomicValue item)
                              throws XPathException
        Append a singleton value (number, string, or boolean) to the output
        item - the atomic value to be appended, or null to append "null"
        XPathException - if the operation fails
      • startArray

        public void startArray​(boolean oneLiner)
                        throws XPathException
        Output the start of an array. This call must be followed by the members of the array, followed by a call on endArray().
        oneLiner - True if the caller thinks the value should be output without extra newlines after the open bracket or before the close bracket, even when indenting is on.
        XPathException - if any failure occurs
      • startMap

        public void startMap​(boolean oneLiner)
                      throws XPathException
        Output the start of an map. This call must be followed by the entries in the map (each starting with a call on writeKey(String), followed by a call on endMap().
        oneLiner - True if the caller thinks the value should be output without extra newlines after the open bracket or before the close bracket, even when indenting is on.
        XPathException - if any failure occurs