Package jcckit

Class GraphicsPlotCanvas

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GraphicsPlotCanvas extends PlotCanvas
Class which handles plotting into a Graphics context based on the {link jcckit.renderer.GraphicsRenderer}. This class is not a subclass of java.awt.Component. The actual AWT component presenting the plot is an innerclass. Its instance wrapped by GraphicsPlotCanvas can be obtained with {link #getGraphicsCanvas}.

The plot is painted by using double-buffering and pre-rendered view of the coordinate system. That is, the coordinate system is drawn into an off-screen image. It will be redrawn only if the size of the embedding AWT component is changed.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GraphicsPlotCanvas

      public GraphicsPlotCanvas(ConfigParameters config, BufferedImage img3)
      Creates an instance from the specified configuration parameters.
      Key & Default Value Type Mandatory Description
      background = default background color of the wrapped AWT component Color no Background color of the wrapped AWT component.
      foreground = default foreground color of the wrapped AWT component Color no Foreground color of the wrapped AWT component.
      doubleBuffering = true booleanno If true the plot will be painted by using double-buffering and pre-rendered view of the coordinate system.
      In addition the configuration parameters of the constructor of the superclass PlotCanvas apply.
  • Method Details

    • paint

      public void paint()
      Paints the plot. If {link GraphicsPlotCanvas#_doubleBuffering} is set double-buffering and pre-rendered view of the coordinate system is used.
    • prepare

      protected void prepare()
      Prepare graphics context before drawing the pre-rendered view of the coordinate system. Does nothing but will be used in subclasses.
    • calculateTransformation

      protected void calculateTransformation(Dimension size)
      Calculate the transformation form device-independent coordinates into device-dependent coordinates according to the specified canvas size.
    • createRenderer

      protected Renderer createRenderer()
      Creates an appropriated Renderer for the specified Graphics context.
    • setRenderer

      public void setRenderer(String className)
      Sets the renderer used to render the plot. The default value is {link GraphicsRenderer}.
      className - Fully qualified name of the renderer class.
    • setMarker

      public void setMarker(GraphicalElement marker)
      Defines a graphical marker which will be drawn on top of the plot. To remove the marker call this method with argument null.
      marker - Marker element. Can be null.