Class ImageHelper


public class ImageHelper extends Object
A collection of methods to help with processing images. A majority of this code was originally found online.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageHelper

      public ImageHelper()
  • Method Details

    • getScaledInstance

      public static BufferedImage getScaledInstance(BufferedImage img, Dimension targetDim, RenderingHints hints, boolean higherQuality)
      Returns a scaled instance of a BufferedImage. Modified from:
      img - the original image to be scaled
      targetDim - the desired dimensions of the scaled instance, in pixels
      hints - RenderingHints used when scaling the image
      higherQuality - if true, this method will use a multi-step scaling technique that provides higher quality than the usual one-step technique (only useful in downscaling cases, targetDim is smaller than the original dimensions, and generally only when the BILINEAR hint is specified)
      a scaled version of the original BufferedImage
    • toBufferedImage

      public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image img)
      Converts an Image to a BufferedImage. From:
    • getScaledDimension

      public static Dimension getScaledDimension(Dimension imgSize, Dimension boundary)
      Calculates the dimensions of a scaled image given the dimensions of an image and the area it is to be drawn in while preserving aspect ratio. From:
      imgSize - dimensions of the original image.
      boundary - dimensions of the area the image is to be drawn in.
    • getScaledDimensionWidthFit

      public static Dimension getScaledDimensionWidthFit(Dimension imgSize, Dimension boundary)
    • getScaledDimension

      public static Dimension getScaledDimension(Dimension dim, double zoom)